Infinity Club

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Me and Keori stepped in the gymnasium. I couldn't believe my eyes. There were so many clubs like: Volleyball club, Soccer club, Art club, Drama club, Witchcraft, Writing club, Music club and even LGBTQ club. This school has every single club here. Keori looked at me. "So... what club are you going to join?" I thought for a second. "Hmmm... I'll join a very important club that is hosted by my friends and maybe the LGBTQ club." "LGBTQ club? Are you part of the community?" I was really nervous to tell her that I'm gay but I guess today is the day. "Well... I am. I'm actually g-" "AaaHhh Keori!" I heard a girl screaming. It was the same girl with the same blue eyes, and lavender hair that was caught up in a ponytail. She was wearing a cheerleader uniform. "How did the track trails go? Did you get on the team?" Keori stopped looking at the girl with a nervous face. "Well..." I was standing next to her. "What am I saying. Ofcorse you did! You're so incredible and there's no way the coach didn't pick you." So she didn't tell her friend that she didn't make it. I better keep my mouth shut before I ruin everything for Keori. "Yeah... totally." Keori tried making a smile. The girl finally noticed me. "Hello there. Are you Keori's friend too?" "Yes, I am. My name is (Y/N)." "My name's Annabell. Nice to meet you. Keori's friends are my friends too." Annabell said with the biggest smile. "Glad to hear that Keori has such kind friends." I said returning the smile. "I'll see you two later, I'm little busy." Annabell waved us goodbye and turned her attention to the girls waiting to join her club. Me and Keori continued walking.
"Annabell is the nicest person I've ever met." I said laughing a little. "Yeah she is but she can be very overprotective sometimes." Keori said and signs. "Can I ask you something. It's more of a favor." I turned my attention to the Meif'wa. "Yeah ofcorse. What is it?" "Please, don't tell Annabell about the track thingy. I don't want her to worry more about me or do something worst." "You don't have to worry. I'll keep that a secret." Her smiled returned to her face. "Thank you." I blushed a little "No problem."

We were walking and looking at the clubs when it was time to check our little club. The infinity club. "Hey guys!" I said caching the attention of Kurt and Soona. "Hey (Y/N). Came here to sigh up again?" Kurt said. "Ofcorse, how can I forget? Any new members?" I said singing the paper. "No" said Soona. "Don't worry, I'm sure someone will join us too. Oh! This here is Keori. She's my new friend." I said introducing her to them. "Hello." She greeted. "Nice to meet you." "Hey." Keori thought for a second. "Can I sign up too?" I was shocked. "Are you sure? I'm not sure that this is your thing." I said scratching the back of my neck. "Yeah, I'm sure. After all you're in this club so it must be fun." Keori said and started sinning the paper too. My face turned red at her comment. "The meeting will be next week." Soona added. I hope Ruby will be okay with this too.

*Next week*

Me and Keori have been talking to each other about a lot of things this week. We go to lunch together and became best friends too. Me and Annabell also became closer. But my crush on Keori still hasn't faded away. Not that it's a bad thing. I actually started training Keori but things weren't that easy. I came to the conclusion that Hunter really needs to help me train her and i'll do everything to make him help me.

Right now me and Keori are going to the meeting for the Infinity club. I really hope things turn out okay with Ruby. She can be very rude sometimes. We opened the door and i greeted the group. "Hi everyone." They all looked at me and Keori. Ruby was here too. "Oh hey (Y/N) ho- Wow! wow wow wow... Who is this and why is she with you?" "This is Keori, she signed up too." I said a little nervous. She came closer to Keori "But why thoooooo...?" Ruby can you stop scaring people? Keori was nervous too but decided to speak. "Because I'm interested in this kind of stuff. What do you guys even talk about? Books? Card games? Uhh... I don't know beekeeping?" Soona and Kurt shook their heads 'no. Ruby stood up on a desk. Oh no, not again. "Sis, listen bees are important, yes but I'm allergic to bees... soos make like one and buzzz~ on out of here. Bye bee~!" And stepped down of the desk. She can't be serious. "Uh... no." Keori said. Ruby turned around to face her. "OH? Oh- so you just want to join our little iddle bitte committee just to try it out?" "Yeah...?" "BECAUSE you like bees or do you do you just enjoy arguing about what sort of club we should be." "Wait what?" Kurt spoke too. "Yeah... when we're not just talking about whatever we figure out why this club should exist." Ruby continued her monologue. "Let me fill you in on a little something. The greatest minds in this room... that's me. Come together to figure out that very question and they get distracted. Then we get distracted with that destruction and then the cycle repeats where we find ourselves right back where we started." Me and Keori looked at each other. "I call it the Infinity club" Soona said. "That's... you know what? Sound more interesting that the chest club." I nodded. "Pff totally." Soona said. "Right, so is anyone else coming?" Keori asked. "Yes." I said and Rudy started talking again. "Why~ Yes~. There is one more insignificant, yet significant of interest coming. Though he shall to be late if due to training." Why does she always have to talk like this when it comes to Hunter? Oh wait. She has a crush on him. I forgot. "Training?" Keori asked. I can see that she figured it out who is that person. "YES! Training to keep the bees or the arguments going whichever he prefers. So ye need not worry about him madam. We can see if you're a good fit for us while we wait for him. Hahaha!" And Ruby started laughing like a maniac. "Uuuuhhhh... Rudy?" Kurt asked. But she continued anyway. "Feast your eyes upon the goblet of ultimate Death!" "Its a chair made of chairs." Soona said ruining the moment for Ruby. "The untime throne for the untime club and you noodmaster420 are going to flex on us by cleaning it all up." "What? Are you kidding me?" Keori asked. "Mostly yes, at least that's what a normal person would say BUT ACTUALLY NO! GO GET TO IT!" Soona said. " But we just finished our chairs of chairs." And kurt asked "No deck of deck then?" Ruby went to take the mop out and gave it to Keori. "Now you can start cleaning." She said smirking. "Ruby this is not necessary. Get the mop and put it back in place." I said with my arms crossed. "Nu-uh she's going to clean this mess if she wants to stay here." Keori grabbed the mop and almost hit Ruby with the mop. Ruby climbed on the deck again. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, SIS?!" "I'm not going to be your slave." Keori said with anger still holding to mop close to Ruby's face. I quickly hugged Keori and tried to take the mop. "Keori! It's okay. Let go of the mop." "I'll let go when she apologizes for making me a maid." Ruby just said. "I'm not apologizing for anything." Kurt just sat at the teacher's desk and Soona was just texting on her phone.

The door opened. "Hey guys, sorry about the wait. What's the subject of today- OH WHAT IN THE ?!" It was Hunter. I turned my face. "Hey Hunter." "Listen you. I've had enough of you. Who make a new club member clean the entire room?" Keori said angrier than before. "It's called haizing. You think we live in an era where we don't use the guillotine... witch we dont have. Hmm... can we make a guillotine out of guillotines?" Rudy said thinking. "Hey dude." Kurt greeted Hjnter too. "Ruby... what the heck is going on?" Hunter asked eyes widened. "Why are you messing with- oh it's you." Keori turned around while I was still holding her. "And you. I've got some bones to pick with you." Ruby immediately said. "HEY! No on is picking his bones. They're probably worth a lot some crazy girl on the dark web. I last Hunter... I tested the new blood here to see if she's worthy to stay with this club and it turns out... uh she's a complete reject. Defective! Send her back to the mine!" Keori turned around again. "WHAT?!" I hugged her tightly. "Keori, it's okay." "Uh... yeah I'd don't think we need a maid. And maybe don't treat new members like they're servant." I let go of Keori. "See Ruby? Hunter is right." Keori let her guard down. "You know what? This isn't worth any of my time. I'm not here to treat me like trash.
I'm out!" Keori let go of mop and started walking to the door. "Wait, Keori!" I said following her.

She opened the door and Annabell was standing there with another girl. "Keori, hey. I didn't know you had joined up with a club yet." The other girl started talking too. "Yes and it's suprising that it's... this one." "Hey Annabell." I said. "Hey (Y/N)." "Yes, hello all. We're here because the student council is verifying clubs and we've been having some trouble with your... uh... what's the name." The girl with glasses tuned to Annabell. Keori mumbled something. "Infinity club." Soona said looking up from her phone. Annabell laughed. "That's such a silly name. Oh Irene I love it." The other gild continued. "Yes, so very,... very silly." "Yeah, it's great at all but I'm not sure if it's my thing." Keori said. "Ah... that's too bad. Club needs at least six members to be verified by the council as an official group. Your signup sheet only had tree people on it. So if you're not going to be apart of it. Then we can't allocate the room to you." "Wait what!?" Said Hunter "Talking the room?" I said in shock. "Oh no." Ruby said looking at the grond. "Well then, it looks like I have to stay after all." Keori smiled. Ruby fell on the floor. "Nooooooo." I hugged Keori. "Yay! Keori is staying." She smiled and hugged back. Kurt came from behind and hugged me and Keori and Hunter too. "I'm glad we can make it official to say we finally have out little internal debate team." Thanks to our three newest members." "If the name doesn't stick I'll make it stick." Soona added. "Well then, looks like we have another club to add to the roster. Quite frankly i'm suprised." Said the girl fixing her glasses.

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