Love experts

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Before Annabell left, Hunter tried to speak to her. "Hey, Annabell... uhh.. so. Today's been wired and-" "Keori! Oh my Irene, how are going to be able to handle being on the track team and being in this club?" Annabell asked Keori after she hugged her. Keori smiled "Well, you know, just gonna balance my schedule you know." Hunter smirked "Oh, I'm sure you can manage it." Keori groans and I hit Hunter with my elbow to shut him. "This year is gonna be so great for you, I'm so proud you're doing well." "Uh-huh... things are gonna be really great" Keori said and I put my arm around her. "You don't need to worry Annabell, I'll look after Keori! And Hunter here is gonna help too." I shot him a glare. "M-me? Why?" "Awww~ really? Thanks you so much." Annabell looked at hunter. "Y-yeah... s-sure."

Omg! Is that a blush I see one Hunter's face? Someone has a crush. I can take this as a opportunity.

"Annabell, we have to get going." Said the other girl "Oki Doki! Bye Keori, bye Y/N, bye... you." And Annabell left. "Bye Bell" "See ya..." "You like her" I said poking at Hunter but he shut my mouth with his hand. "You wha-" And placed his other hand on Keori's mouth too. "Shut up! You two don't know that." "I'm not an idiot like you" and bit his hand. "Ouch! You-" We turned around and saw Soona, Kurt and Ruby looking at us strange. "Give us a moment guys. We need to talk about track team stuff." I smiled and dragged Keori and Hunter outside.

We were at the back of the cabin. Hunter turned to us. "How did you know?" I smirked "It's obvious with that big blush you just did." Hunter hid his face. "NO, I DIDN'T." "Why don't you try to talk to her?" Keori asked. Hunter looked up. "Because she's nice and cool to everyone but I'd never be cool enough to be her friend." "You can just try you now?" "I'd rather not and try not to get un instant rejected."

Now is my time for the plan.

"How about we help you with Annabell and you will train Keori" Hunter looked at me "Oh you little-." Keori spoke. "We'll try out best to get you into Annabell's good graces and see if it'll work but this isn't a guarantee, got it?" Keori got her hand out for Hunter to shake. "Deal?" Hunter sighed "Deal" and shook Keori's hand. "YES! FINALLY!" I spoke from excitement. "If this doesn't work out, I'm blaming you." Hunter said. "Hey, you can't do that! It isn't our fault if you aren't her type." Keori laughed "He really isn't her type." I laughed too. "Hey! You are trying to help me, not to tell me I don't have a chance."

*The next day*

Me and Hunter were in front of the cabin, waiting for Keori to come. "Why do you want to train her so bad?" Hunter broke the silence. "Because she's a tough and responsible person. I can see that she can do it and I want to help her achieve her goals." Hunter looked at me. "It's either that or you like her." I imideatly blushed. "Its not that, I swear." "Now who's blushing?" Hunter smirked. "You better shut it or you won't have a single chance with Annabell." I smirked back at him. "Guys! I'm here." I heard Keori running towards us. "Sorry I'm a little late." "I see why you wanted me to train her." Hunter said "Shut up and let's go." I said taking the lead. "H-Hey. That's not fair." I heard Keori and laughed. She's so cute.

*At art class*

I was trying to focus on drawing but something or someone was distracting me. I wonder who? Ah yes... MY CRUSH IS SLEEPING IN CLASS AND HER HEAD IS ON MY SHOULDER! I don't know how that happened and what is she dreaming but I was one hundred percent sure that my face was red like a tomato. She was so cute that I couldn't touch or dare to wake her up. I just hope the teacher won't say anything about this. I tried to move my free hand to draw but my phone buzzed. I guess that woke Keori up. Dang it! It was Hunter. I looked at him at the other side of the room. He was pointing at his phone. I took my phone and looked at what he texted me.

Y/N, did you and Keori figure a plan yet?

Wait, was Keori sleeping on your shoulder?😂

You're lucky I keep my promises. Oh, and your face is red.🤭

I wanna smack him in the face so hard with a chair.

First, you're lucky I can't reach you from here😑.

Second, let me ask Keori to see if she can think of anything.

"Keori? Do you have any ideas to help Hunter right now?" She looked at me. "Hmm... yes, I think I have. I'll tell you and you text him."

So Keori said that Annabell likes art and she thinks she's really great at it.

But she actually sucks at it. So you're gonna ask her for some drawing advice.

Think of something to ask her and whatever you do, DON'T MENTION THE SMILEY FACE SUN.

As I was texting I heard the teacher. "Oh gosh." And dropped my phone.  Keori tuned to face the teacher. "I sure would love it if no one was TEXTING in my class." The class giggled at me. "You know if there are a pair of students doing that, then this is your first and final warning to put your phones away. RIGHT NOW!" Irene, this teacher is scary! I smiled at her and continued to draw. "Here." I turned around to see Keori giving me back my phone. "Thanks, Keori." I smiled. "No problem."
I also saw Hunter getting off his seat as approaching Annabell.

I hope everything turns out alright.

"Keori, Hunter is talking with Annabell, look." I said pointing at them. "I just hope he won't mess up." She said looking at them too. As I was looking everything seemed good so far when Hunter mentioned the smiley face. That idiot! I told him not to mention tha sun with the smile! He apologized and got back to his table.

"Didn't you tell him about the sun?" Keori asked. "I did! But he messed up everything. We'll talk with him after class and think about another plan."

*after class*(so many time skips)

"This was a total disaster." Said Hunter and hid in his hands. "I told you about the smiley face but still messed up!" I smacked him. "I'm sorry! The sun had a ridiculous tiny mouth and one eyes was bigger that the other. I thought it was cute." "Good thing we have another plan." We turned out attention to Annabell, who was in the cafeteria. "I don't like that we are stalking her." Hunter added. "Don't worry, it's not stalking. It's more like observing." Keori started telling the plan. "I know she forgot her lunch money so right now, buy her lunch." But Hunter protested "Out of the question! It's MY lunch money. Not giving it up." "Hey hold up. Not with your own money. Here." And Keori offered him money. "Wait... how did you know she forgot her lunch money?" "Yeah, I was wondering the same" I said. "I stole it." "YOU WHAT?" I shouted to much for a few people to turn our way. But Hunter took it anyway. "Now hurry and go over there before she checks out." Keori shouted at him while he was walking to the cafeteria. "Do you think he'll screw up again?" "I hope not." And sighted.

Yup, I'm back. Here's a new chapter that I just finished in one night. I think my motivation flew away at some point. Again, thanks for the people who are still reading my story and if you've come this far, I want you to know that you're amazing 😁💕
Have a good day/night!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2020 ⏰

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