Shouldn't we train her?

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It was almost 6 in the morning and I was really excited to take a run with Hunter. He's like an older brother to me. I took my uniform and everything so that when we get done we can change and go straight to homeroom. We were going to meet at the tree where we always hang out at the first year of High school. I was running and saw the tree in front of me. Hunter was there waiting for me. "Hunter, I'm here." I said waving at him. "I'm glad you make it. Are you ready to start?" "Yeah, first let's go and leave our stuff" And with that we started running. We were running and talking about how our lives have been since we last saw each other. We were at the place and we left our uniforms in there so we can change afterwards. We continued running but this time Hunter was getting faster. I didn't like that so I built up my strength and started running more faster too. I passed him and his shocked face. "Haha, looks like you're getting slower." I smirked. "Don't challenge me (Y/N). You know I'm faster than you." And he caught up to me. "Let's make a race!" I said still running. "A race? I'm fine with that." "However makes it here first wins." "Don't get too far behind!" Hunter said teasing me. I laughed and kept running after him.

We were still running neck to neck. I guess I finally have a chance to win after all. And with that Hunter passed me at the last second. "Wait, What?!" I said and flopped on the ground. "Don't ever think you can win against me." Hunter said smirking. I looked up at him. "Okay, okay I got it." Hunter looked down at me and gave me a hand. I grabbed it and he pulled me up. "What time is it?" I asked not wanting to be late for school." Hunter took his phone and looked at the time. "Oh no, we have 20 minutes before homeroom. Mr Diaz will kill us. We CAN'T be late for school. "Hurry, let's go change." We started running towards the place.

We weren't very far. I heard something from the bushes near by but I didn't pay attention. Then I heard a girl's voice shouting at me and Hunter. I wasn't sure how to answer. "Hunter. There's a girl shouting at us." "We don't have time for this, we'll be late for school." Hunter said without looking back. "Okay." We continued running for 2 more minutes and quickly got in to change our clothes. I was getting my clothes out of my backpack while Hunter was struggling with his sweatshirt. "Come on, come on. Can't be late for homeroom" I couldn't help myself but chuckle.

I heard the door open and I heard the same girl voice again. "Hold it right there." I turned around to face the person and I froze. "This is my changing room. Get out of here!" Hunter shouted "That is not important." "Yeah, it is. What are you doing?" He said facing the girl too. "You two are going to teach me how to run as fast as you two can." "Hmmm... well how about no!" I finally got myself to speak. "Hunter, don't be so rude." "I'm not rude, i just said no." The girl looked shocked. "But... but you have too." "No, actually there's nothing making me have to train anyone about anything." The Meif'wa got a little angry. "Why? Why you stubborn jerk! You can't just give me a few tips on how to be a better runner? " Hunter started thinking "Grow more legs to run faster." I looked at him with my 'are you serious face' "I'm serious." The Meif'wa said. Hunter thought again. "I got it. Become really tall so you can win races in three steps." "Hunter!" I said throwing my shoe at him. "Ouch! What was that for?" "I can't just grow extra limbs and become a giant test." "Welp, good luck unlocking the secrets of running faster." And then he mumbled something to himself. "Fine, you wanna make fun of me? Go ahead but I'm not leaving until I've made my pitch." "Mm-hmm." Was the only thing Hunter said. "It's hard... it's hard to train over and over just to get faster and run better just to use my legs, but I need to. I need to get on that team because I want to be good at something and I run a lot. I'm always running from one thing or the next but this time... I want to run because I'm good at it to strive to be the best I can- uh... Don't take your pants off!" The girl said blushing a little "Hunter! What are you doing?" He looked at me "I need to change for school." "Well don't do it in front of her." I said pointing at the innocent cat. "I. Don't. Care! I'm  changing into my uniform. She can just turn around or say her piece... or leave." The girl just turned around. Hunter started changing and I walked to the girl. I can't believe I'm doing this but I have too. I put my hand on her shoulder "Hey, I'm sorry for his attitude he isn't very kind to new people." She turned her bright, blue eyes and said. "It's okay, I'm jut new to running. I've never done it as a sport, I've seen him running everyday next to my house and I've seen you on the cut for the track team. Wait! She was watching me?! I blushed a little at her comment. "I want to train with you two. So come on, why not help someone out that wants to learn?" "She's right Hunter." He sighed again. "Look-." "If I don't get good at this I dont know what else I can do. I'd be drifting along with no immediate skill what's worth anything to me." Hunter wanted to say something. "I know... okay... but no. It's not my problem but it's not hard to figure out, just get faster and do better. That's how things are. " I remember when Hunter said the same to me when I asked him to train me. We weren't close back then and It was hard to convince him. But I got it and I want to help this girl too. The white haired girl spoke again. "Yeah but... you think it's any better trying to figure things out alone? Why do you think coaches and trainers and things exist huh?" Hunter laughed at her comment and said sarcastically. "Heh, well you want me to be your coach or something?" "Yes." Hunter was shocked. "Y-you can't be serious." She turned around imminently. "Oh thanks Irene you're dressed. I am serious. Coach Roy gave me two months and you two are the fastest people I've ever seen. I'm nearly begging you, please help me." I nodded but Hunter wasn't on my side "No, I'm not. You are. Quit relying on others to get what you want." And with that Hunter grabbed his stuff and left.

The girl sighed and sat on the ground. "Stupid pompous. Ugh!." I looked down on her. "Forget about Hunter, I can teach you how to run faster." I said with confidence and smiled at her. "R-realy?" Her eyes sparkled with hope. "Ofcorse. By the way. What's your name?" I said giving her my hand so I can pull her up. "Keori. Keori Rivera." What a beautiful name. "My name is (Y/N) (L/N). It's a pleasure to meet you Keori." She smiled back and took my hand. "Give me a minute to change and let's go to class." "Yeah, no problem. Thanks again for helping me with the training." "It's nothing" I said while taking my clothes off. I noticed that Keori was staring wide eyes at me. "Ummm... Keori?" "A-ah yes?" She jumped at my comment. "Can you turn around? I'm a bit shy." "Yes, ofcorse. Sorry about this." She turned around. "Its okay." Omg, was she staring at me?! I can't believe my crush is in this room while I'm changing my clothes! I continued to change with a slight blush on my face.

*Time skip*

We were finally at school but a little bit late. Keori looked from the door to see if Mr. Diaz is here. "I dont see him." Keori whispered to me and I followed her inside. "Okay almost th-" Keori said then somone grabbed us. "Miss Rever, you're late again... for the second day in a row. And Miss (L/N) this is your first time getting late for my class." Keori started talking. "Well, you see-" "I'm afraid I'm not wearing my glasses at the moment so you'll have to excuse me if I can't perceive a single valid reason as to why you think being punctual to my class is a trivial bore to be waved off by your adolescent twins. And for you Miss (L/N), dont think you can get of the hook for just being late for the first time in your life for my class." I gulped. We both apologized to the teacher. Mr. Diaz let go of us and put on his glasses. "Then please, take your seats." Keori started walking and I was behind her. I sat in front of Hunter and she sat at his right. The boy in front of Keori greeted her. "Hey glad you finally made it." He has long blue hair, dark blue eyebrows and amber eyes. "Yeah..." Keori answered. Then the boy turned to me. "Nice to meet you. I'm Issac." I turned around to face him. "I'm (Y/N), nice to meet you Isaac." He looks nice.

Keori started to chew the rubber on her pencil. Issac seemed to notice too. "Uhhh... Keori that's probably not a good thing for your teeth." "Yeah, whatever stupid." Then she continued to chew the rubber. Suddenly Hunter decided to speak. "Yeah, what's up? Keori right?" She didn't even looked at him. "You absolute piece of garbage- OW!" I raised my voice a little. "Keori are you okay?" Mr. Diaz cleared his throat "Are you four finished?" Hunter decidedto speak first "Yes sir, mr. Diaz." "I almost died!" Keori said with anger in her voice. Mr. Diaz mumbled something but I didn't catch that. "Now today's meant for you all to mingle about and decide your entire social life for the rest of the year, so pick wisely." And the whole class was quite again. Mr. Diaz continued "Again students that was a joke. Just find a club that speaks your interests and makes you feel at home in a group. Now off we go the gymnasium." Then everyone started talking. Issac stood up and looked at Keori. "I told you it wasn't good for your teeth and well... your mouth in general." "Thanks Issac I appreciate it." Keor said rolling her eyes." I stood up too and looked at Keori. "Come one Keori, let's go to the club fair." She gave me a smile and nodded.

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