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Ding! The bell rang at Moore University. Students began to flood the halls in anticipation. Doors pushed open and lockers slammed shut. The sun beamed through the windows and its warmness was evident of spring's arrival. The smell of wooden pencils, paper, and relief polluted the air. Shoes clattered against the linoleum and students stampeded. Students were un-agresssively pushed into the white brick walls that confined them for the past semester. Without the dread of essays, schoolwork, extracurriculars, assignments, assessments, and tests, the school felt alive for once. Students smiled and walked carelessly, a rare sight in the halls of Moore University. The exuberant whooping and yelling harmoniously played throughout the entire school.  Friends socialized in order to see where they would be wasted and high for the next week. In the lustful anticipation of the holiday, students made sure to pack plenty of birth control and condoms. Condoms became such a bare necessity, that they became sold out in some of the gas stations and corner stores. Spring break was a magical time, students up to their necks in debt could forget about the anxieties and stress of their classes. With the fake ID business now booming, students who are not legally allowed to drink are given the opportunity to get drunk and make fools out of themselves at parties. The life of the college student was no less than mayhem. Due to the school year being nearly over, the students began to feel comfort in knowing that summer break is just around the corner. Others felt damned because instead of paying attention and doing what they should, they wasted it either: partying, eating, on the Internet, sleeping, having sex, or all of the above. But before they can feel at ease, they must first pass the dreaded finals. Though in due time, most students will be leaving college and be joining workforces and focusing on careers. While others would be back to their parents house or saying, "Would you like fries with that?" There was no doubt that everyone was excited, and everyone could feel the hearts of their peers fluttering in knowing that Spring Break just began.

"Fuck yeah! Spring break!" Shouted many students. A male student wearing cargo shorts, a white tank-top, and sandals bumps into a female student. The woman's books fell to the floor. She furrowed her brows and released a puff of air. She rolled her eyes and darted her eyes toward the man who sent her literature crashing to the ground. She bent over to quickly retrieve what's been ever so carelessly banished from her hands. She grasped her books and instantly got up to avoid being crushed by the other students. She pulled down her shirt and takes a step.

"Are you okay, Madeline?" a man asked. Madeline recognized the soft, gentle, and rugged voice. A grin spread across her lips and she chuckled softly to herself. Madeline Monroe was a very introverted student, she never spoke to anyone unless she was spoken to. Even then, she struggled to make small talk. Madeline avoided people because she always felt judged, as though she were on trial and her fellow "peers" were the jury. Sometimes, she couldn't even eat in front of people because she'd fear that they would judge her for eating. Madeline was very diffident. The woman avoided mirrors out of the discomfort she felt when looking at her reflection. She effortlessly combed the hair in her face to the side and ebulliently twirled around.

"Yeah, Daniel, I'm great," she joyfully replied. Madeline's starry and blue eyes met Daniel's intense gaze. Daniel's hazel eyes pierced Madeline's soul, and her heart began to flutter. The warmness from her heart pulsed throughout her body, she could feel her stomach begin to tingle. Scarlet rushed to her cheeks and made them hot and rosy. The joints in Madeline's body instantaneously weakened and her knees began to buckle. She put all of her might into trying to stand upright. Madeline had always had a crush on Daniel since the day they met in the sixth grade. She stared at Daniel's body and envisioned what lied beneath his charcoal gray penny-coat and blue pants. Her heart skipped a beat with anticipation. Madeline hungered with lust. She knew her thoughts were impure, but she didn't care. Madeline needed Daniel.

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