Damned and Doomed

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Daniel awoke and peered around the room. He tried to get up, but couldn't.

"What the hell?" He said surprised. He tried to burst free. He violently shook his ankles and wrists, trying so desperately to escape. He looked at his wrist, he was bound by a leather belt on his wrists and ankles. "Shit." He groaned. He was strapped to a wooden table that was a three feet off of the floor. He studied the concrete walls that seemed to be closing in on him. The walls were cracked, rusted rebar protruded the concrete. There were many shelves along the walls; mason jars of hearts, livers, intestines, stomachs, brains, toes, fingers, ears, eyes, and other unidentifiable objects were put upon display. A tear trickled from his cheek and he looked above him. A single light bulb dangled from wires that hung from the ceiling. Wood panels made up the ceiling, each spread just a few centimeters apart. Daniel could see the light flowing between the cracks above him, but he couldn't make out any objects. He then gazed at the floor. The floor was made of concrete, cracked and brittle. Blood stained the cracks, but the undamaged floor seemed clean. As if the blood had been shed and cleaned up several times. In the corner was an entrance with a poorly built staircase made of two-by-fours.

"I don't want to die." He sobbed. He arched his back and he threw his head back.

"Oh, my fucking God. Help." He cried. He saw a meat hook and a bone saw hanging from the ceiling.

"Please, God. Help." He moaned. Footsteps approached, someone was walking toward the stairwell. He darted his eyes to the stairs, his heart began to pump furiously. He could hear the blood rushing through his veins, he could feel it throb in his head. The footsteps grew closer. He felt a pit in his stomach and grew nauseated. A door creaked open, the footsteps descended on the staircase. He quickly lied limp on the table and closed his eyes. He heard the footsteps drawing closer. He calmed himself to stop his sobbing. The footsteps stopped at the table. He could hear something breathing. It tapped Daniel on the forehead. It paused and tapped him again. It grunted. It began to shake Daniel, it shook him violently. It walked behind him and picked something up. The blade of the saw began to whir. Daniel continued to pretend to be asleep.

"Aaaaagh! Fuck!" Screamed Daniel. It took the saw and jammed it into his abdomen. He opened his eyes, he saw it. It was a man. The man had shaggy, black hair, and bloodstained clothing. The man had pearly white skin that cracked and had a few boils on them. He was wearing a ripped white tank top that was stained with blood and jeans that were shredded at the ankles. His eyes were pure black. Half of his mouth was sutured shut. The man's fingers were blackened, his nails were gone. He wore black lumberjack boots with many holes in them.

"Help!" Daniel wailed. He began to struggle angrily and tears came running down his face.

"Please," he pleaded,"please, don't do this. I want to live." The man turned off his saw. He walked behind Daniel and put away the saw.

"Thank God." Sighed Daniel. Twack! Daniel's eyes widened and he went silent. Blood trickled onto the floor. The meathook went through Daniel's neck and hit the wooden board beneath him. Daniel gagged on his blood and struggled for air. Blood rushed from his neck, dripped from the table, and created a pool on the floor. Daniel's lungs barely expanded and compressed one last time, making a faint whistling noise. Daniel stopped breathing, his body grew limp.
The man shuffled to a shelf and retrieved his saw- he began to hack into Daniel. He scooped out his eyes with a rusted spoon. He gently picked them up and placed them into a mason jar filled with muddy water. He filleted him from his sternum to his navel and peeled back his skin. He collected the flesh beneath his skin and put the bloody chunks into plastic bags. He grasped the bags and carried them upstairs. He walked through a hallway. It was a yellow wallpaper with roses that peeled off the walls, he walked on blue carpet. He walked into the living room, a fire was roaring in the fireplace. There were two others that sat on a wooden bench. He opened the bag and took out the biggest piece of meat, he threw the bag in front of the others. The others furiously jumped to the floor and scavenged for the bag. They each took the flesh and began to chew and eat it, sucking off the dripping blood. The man quickly walked downstairs and into his chambers. He walked over to Daniel's corpse and began to undress him. He took his clothes and put them on a table in the hallway. When he returned to Daniel, he picked him up and lain him over his shoulder. He grabbed rope and walked out of the door and into the dark abyss.

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