Bastille and Booby Traps

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One down, three to go.

The sun quickly faded, much like the hope of the survivors. Brittany now taken, Daniel dead; there isn't much to be hopeful for. As the sun was lowered into its grave on the horizon, a pearl grew brighter every minute in the night sky. The stars mocked Brittany, Collin, and Madeline, energetically and happily shining bright in the navy blue sky. The forest decayed with the rapidly rising waters. Appendages of the trees and bushes floated in the lake. The water was only a foot from Brittany, Madeline, and Collin's cabin. The cannibals chose higher ground, so their lair and the area surrounding it was not flooded. The animals dared not to make a sound, rendering the woods silent. Brittany struggling and crying was the only sound for miles. Unfortunately, no one from outside the forest could hear her, no one was coming, no help. So, the remaining survivors will have to fend for themselves and try to make their way out. Will Brittany be saved? Who will live, and who will die?

"Help!" Screamed Brittany. She violently shook, swayed, and trembled in a desperate attempt to free herself from her cannibalistic captors. Brittany pulled her legs in complete frustration; the grip on her ankles grew tighter. The moon beamed its optimistic light onto her face and it shown with complete clarity-- every crevice, every wrinkle, every pore, every hair, every cell was visible in the brilliant beam. The trees groaned and the grass screamed in the wind. The green forest that trapped her was imbued with life. Parasitic vines grew around the base of the trees, constricting the wood; the vines' grip of the trees is tighter than a knot; no storm could ever shake the emerald constrictors loose.

"Please, let me go!" She begged. They didn't let her go, they didn't even look at her. The cannibals did not dignify the bird they caged. Brittany was now not even human, her life didn't matter-- she was fair game. To them, she was no longer a human being, she was their next meal.

"Let the fuck go of me!" Brittany howled. She twisted and contorted her body trying to free herself. Brittany flipped over onto her stomach and planted her nails in the dirt. The acrylic became stuck in the dirt, rendering her motionless. The Burly Man unclenched Brittany's ankle and let her go; the Hunchback followed suit.

"Thank you." She said. Brittany turned over onto her back. She began to push herself off of the soft, cold grass. The Burly Man balled up his hand and quickly drew his arm back, he paused for a moment. Brittany caught sight of his fist; her pupils dilated and pulsed to the beat of her heart. Brittany slowly inhaled, savoring the oxygen she breathed. The Burly Man pushed his arm forward furiously. His fist inched closer to Brittany's face in milliseconds. Brittany closed her eyes and flinched. The fist made contact with her nose, the cartilage crunched and snapped. Her eyes rolled back into her head, and became as white as the moon. She grew limp and fell onto her back, her body thudded on the grass. Blood furiously spilled from her nose like the rain above her, and flooded the grass near her face. The scarlet fluid tricked gently into her mouth and over her face. Brittany opened her eyes and stared at the Burly man, she didn't move a muscle.

"Please, please." She begged. The Burly Man walked over to her. He lifted his black boot high into the air. "No! Please!" Brittany screamed. The Burly Man released his knee with all of his might and stomped on her face. Bones crunched in the silent forest; the cracking reverberated off of the trees and echoed through the macabre land.

"Brittany?!" Called out Collin.

The Hunchback crawled over to Brittany's body. He stared deep at her face. He leaned down and and licked the blood off of her. Brittany began to cough; with one puff of air, two white teeth- one molar, one canine- stained with blood soared from her broken mouth and onto her neck. The Hunchback pointed to her and the Burly Man picked her up. They began to walk into the dark abyss, into the fog.

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