The Cabin

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The four cruised through the countryside. They stared at the trees and wildlife as they continued down a dirt path. The truck's wheels tirelessly trudged through the compact soil beneath it. Bits of grey, dirty rocks stuck between the gaps in he tire. The drive seemed to never end, continuing through the desolate lands and winding, muddy trails. Madeline stared at her lap and became deep with thought. Her mind became tormented by negative and insecure thoughts. Wow. Okay. This was a terrible idea. Why did you ever agree to this? This cabin's out in the middle of no where! It's four hours from the nearest town! You really are a moron, Madeline! You're awful at making decisions! Not only did you agree to go to a cabin where you'll probably die, you've also decided to stay in love with a man who doesn't love you for eight years! I have to be the biggest idiot on the planet. She sighed and peered at Daniel with her sad eyes. She couldn't resist. His handsomeness was too much for her. She ached for him. Madeline wanted to know what he tasted like-- just once. She turned her head around and was shocked to see Brittany and Collin making out. Madeline grew full of jealousy and envy.

"Hey! You two! Stop that!" She barked. Brittany's eyes opened, alarmed. She pulled away from Collin.

"Sorry." Brittany apologized. Madeline turned her head back around. Collin silently tapped Brittany on the shoulder and mouthed "What's her problem?" Everything grew quiet and the only thing they could hear was the hum of the engine of Daniel's truck.

"So...uh..." Daniel said to break the awkward silence. Madeline gazed at Daniel. She savored the words that came out of his mouth. Carefully listening as to make sure she didn't miss one syllable. The words flowed from her ears and resonated in her heart.

"Why don't we put on the radio?" Collin suggested?"

"It's broke." Daniel answered. God. He's so hot. I'm going to die. The truck drove through the winding dirt path that seemed to lead to nowhere. They seemed to be stuck in a labyrinth of trees.

"Are you sure we're going the right way?" Daniel questioned.

"Positive," Brittany said, "it's just up ahead."

They finally came to a clearing. A shabby, wooden cabin sat ugly, wedged between the forest and the dirt road. This place is horrendous. The cabin was built in the late 1800s, moss grew from the cracks and heavy rainfall softened the wood paneling. The trees were colossal, peaking at one-hundred feet high. The pines shrouded the light with its fluffy needles. Once beneath the canopy, it was almost as dark as dawn. The enormous pupils of the animals that dared to master the terrain allowed them to see in the forest. The sun was censored by looming, puffy clouds. The forest near the cabin was cut down, which formed a circular clearing. They finally came to a stop. They got out of the car and locked it. The group began to wander the premises to check out their new house for the next few days.

Madeline and Daniel walked to the back where they saw another door and a small trail that lead into the woods. Madeline stared at the woods, wondering the unknown of what could lie within. Calm down, you're getting worked up over nothing. We're alone out here. Nothing is around but maybe birds and a few deer. She became uneasy when she peered into the dangerous soul of the forest. The greens pierced her eyes and her heart like the fangs of a bear. The wind blew fiercer, the gust gently carried Madeline's hair in the wind. She slowly exhaled to relax her spirits.  She quickly turned away from the trees.

"This place is a fucking dump." Daniel laughed. Madeline chuckled.

" a dump." She replied nervously. Her voice quivered and shook. Daniel pressed his face against the glass window. Madeline gazed at Daniel in adoration. Her heart began to palpitate and her mouth began to salivate. She grew feverous, her temperature rising.  "We should...uh...head back to the front." She said. She shook her head in a desperate attempt to clear her mind of salacious thoughts. Daniel backed away form the window and looked at her.

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