to be accepted, to feel accepted

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hi!! how are you all today? here's another chapter, this time focusing heavily on Camila and her relationships with other girls :))

Also, I have a question, how old do y'all think I am? I'm curious.

Also I replaced, it more switched  Ariana in this. My poor planning skills came into idea when I was setting up Camilas life. So if you even remember Ariana from the first few chapters, you'll notice she's been replaced with someone else or her name is at least.

Camila lifts Sofia onto the monkey bars and smiles as she holds the girls waist so the little one can attempt terribly to use the bars. Once she helps Sofia down and the girl runs off to climb something else, Camila sits down on the steps of the play structure.

For a while they had wondered what or if Sofia was developing certain disabilities due to their mother having been drinking while she was pregnant with her. Getting her into a good school was challenging to say the least. Although a very intelligent and loving girl, Sofia developed FASDs, or Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. While physically on track, she was held back by intellectual disabilities and some behavioral issues.

For the family they knew what they were getting into with her but never loved her any less. It was how things were and they figured things out as they went.

When Camila's phone alerts her, she looks down at the text.

Mami ❤️: dinner is almost done, start walking home, see you soon lovey

Camila responds before stuffing her phone in her jacket pocket. She finds Sofia attempting to climb a rock wall.

"Hey Sof, come on Mami and Mama say we have to go home now," Camila offers her hand and Sofia reluctantly grabs it allowing herself to be led by her older sister.

"Kaki when does school start?" Sofia asks hesitantly, swinging her hand as they walk down the sidewalk.

"In a week babe," Camila tells the four year old, "are you excited?"

Sofia nods happily, "yes because then I can make a bunch of friends. Am I going to a big school like you are Kaki?" Camila gives her a little smile and shakes her head.

"No, it's called pre school. Little kids go there before they can go to kindergarten, which you'll go to next year. But either way you'll have a lot of fun since there's a bunch of kids there," Camila tells her. Sofia nods and listens but quickly gets distracted when she sees Normani sitting at the steps of the door. The little girl bolts up the driveway while Camila takes her time.

"At last my munchkins are home, how was your trip to the park Sof?" Normani asks the youngest. While Sofia babbles about the slides and swings Camila goes to the kitchen.

"Do you need help Mami?" Camila asks. Ally smiles gratefully and kisses her cheek, handing her two plates to take to the table.

Camila sets the plate down just as Sofia crashes into her legs. Camila shorts and picks up her younger sister to set her in the booster seat. After fastening the buckle she kisses her nose and makes the four year old giggle and push her face away.

The family of four sit around the table and immediately begin to eat after saying a prayer.

"Mila, are you excited for school next week? God I cannot believe we have a high schooler I feel yesterday you were punching little kids," Normani says with a little smirk.

"I could still punch a little kid," Camila points out, warning a swat on her arm from Ally. Camila sticks her tongue out at her mother knowing Ally will understand she's only joking.

and I'm home (fifth harmony kidfic)Where stories live. Discover now