Chapter 3

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And so the process  trying to get me placed in her home started. She was told no because she was not a registered foster parent. An hour and a half later, they called back, begging her to take me in. They couldn't find anyone else who had the medical experience to care for my medical need. She of course jumped at the chance to take me in her home. They told her it would be for sixty days, ninety at most. June of 2020 will be 19 years since this decision was made. And neither of them could be happier!

My first night in my " new home " was scary. I don't really remember much. All I can remember is that for a while, I was afraid to sleep alone, in my own bed. Because I had never slept in my own bed before. I can remember all 5 of us children, my birth mother, and her boyfriend all sleeping on the same bed. So, I was not used to sleeping alone. So, I slept the bed with my new mother, for a while, until finally, one night, as I fell asleep in my new mother's lap. As she carried me to bed, I said ' I want to sleep in my own bed tonight. " From then on, I began sleeping alone, in my own bed.

I could now finally be happy. I was now in a home of someone who seemed to show love for me. Something I had never been shown before. At first, quite honestly, it was hard to accept that she actually loved me. After all, for the first few years of my life, I had been used for the check I received, so it could be blown on stupid stuff.

Not long after moving into my new home, I asked my new mother to adopt me. She started the process of adoption, which, would take about 6 years to complete, due to a lot of ups and downs during the process. But, it finally happened! At the age of fourteen, the adoption was legal. I was legally hers.

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