Chapter 5

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When it all first started, one attorney my mom ( adopted, not birth ) had, ended up not being able to be her attorney, because the lady had had dealings with my " birth " mother at some point, so it was a conflict of interest. So, she got another. Eventually, someone else took over. By the time we were through that, I believe she had gone through several of those as well. So, that was another " roadblock " to get past but we managed.

The judge was a really nice guy. I remember once, he even let someone bring me and sit me on his lap he let me pretend to sentence someone. It was all in good fun, and everyone knew that. But, it was really cool. And fun. I'll never forget the judge, or how nice he and his staff were. In fact, when the adoption became legal, they all chipped in and got me a book, I believe it was geography, I'm not really totally sure, though.

The number of lawyers that we had throughout the case was unbelievable. It felt like we were switching to another lawyer, in every case we had. In a few cases, that was true. But, I wouldn't change it, because it got me to where I am today. We may have had many, but, it was worth it.

At last, it was legal! I was finally adopted! On the day of the adoption, the judge had received a letter, on his lunch break, from my father. The letter said that my father lived in Florida, and thought the court case was a day later than it originally was, and asked for a continuance. The judge denied and said ' He has had long enough to come and fight for Bobby. " So he denied it and continued. That day, the adoption was finalized.

Finally, I could be happy in my new home, with my new family. At last, I was free from it all. Or was I? As I grew up, starting around my teenage years, I began to remember certain things about the past. Boy was that fun. NOT! Today, I am a male in my mid-twenties and I still struggle with memories of the past. I am trying hard to work past the memories so I can go on to live my life, happily. Some days are better than others, and some days, quite honestly, I don't even want to get out of bed.

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