Chapter 7

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The years I was in school were some of the craziest of my life. Some people have good experiences, some have bad. I had sort of in-between. I had never been in a fight in my life. One day in high school, someone decided they were mad at me over something. I walked away from the situation because I didn't want it to escalate. I told one of the workers in my homeroom about it, and she went up to the boy and handled the situation. I still to this day, 7 years later have no idea what was said, but, it worked. He never tried to bother me again. Of course we talked, but we never " fought " again. Boy was I glad! That was a close call with him.

Primary school was kind of fun. I was cute then, so I could get away with a lot. Sometimes I wouldn't want to do my school work. Well, O.K, a lot of the time. It would get sent home with me, because the workers in the room, quite honestly, were too lazy to fight with me on doing my school work. A lot of the time it got sent home with me. Sometimes I regretted not doing it at work as I should have. Mostly because mom would get frustrated with me. I spent more hours doing work at home, than I did asleep, quite honestly.

Middle school was a trip! The principal and the others knew for a full year that I would be coming, and that I was a handicapped person. This should have given them enough time to make the accommodations needed for me. However, they were not done. I only went to middle school for about 6 weeks, or so, before my mom pulled me, and decided to home school. I was homeschooled from sixth grade to about the middle of my nineth-grade years of school.

Highschool was a trip. The almost fight I mentioned above, happened when I was in high school. I had a lot of fun in high school. Made some new friends, who I am still grateful to be friends with today, seven years later. Some have passed, of various things, since but, I am blessed to still have a lot of the friends I do have from school.

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