Chapter 6:

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Chapter 6:

Parker was led into a large conference room that was lined with portraits, expensive gold trim, and meticulous designs. A large table was situated in the middle, and each official took their respective seat. Parker was told to sit in a chair to the right of the end of the table. It was set up in power point style, so Parker settled herself in, ready to be debriefed. Several others came in minutes later. A man in a white lab coat with thick rimmed glasses and a folder under his arm came up to her, "welcome, you must be Parker Daniels. I'm Professor Menos, at your service. I'm here to talk about the miraculous artifact that was just found. Have you seen it? It's beautiful, isn't it?" The man fired questions at Parker faster than she could answer them, and she ended up sitting there, mouth open like a fish. Menos moved too fast, he talked with his hands, so they flew everywhere most of the time.

The other officials seemed used to him because they just sat back, and waited. Menos yelled at all the others about where to set things up. More than once, he stomped impatiently over to a worker, shoved them out the way to do it himself all the while muttering curse words. Parker's eyes found Artemisia who was focused on her lap top, typing away. The woman truly did not believe that this was a good idea. "May I have everyone's attention please," Menos yelled out, silencing the remaining chatter, "I believe everyone is familiar with the Greek goddess Athena, yes? Good. For this tale, she is our main character. Now, the artifact that was found after the collapse of a major tourist attraction is said to be the only map that leads to the illustrious Golden Temple."

"The Golden Temple was said to be Athena's pride and joy. A gift, given to her by Zeus himself, built from only the finest gold in Greece. See, Athena was one of the prettiest goddesses, in her own way. She was a dark beauty, dark hair, dark, entrancing eyes. Much unlike Aphrodite in all of her blonde haired prettiness. Zeus, being Zeus, was undoubtedly proud of his daughter, the goddess of wisdom, and built this temple for her. Only a select few mortals could enter, those chosen specifically by Athena. In the temple, there was a room that Athena used to teach her fellow gods battle strategy. She didn't use it much, preferring to sit on her golden throne, and answer the prayers of her followers. Until, it all went missing."

"Just like that. The people who worked in the temple, the temple itself, even all the records of it ever existing. Gone, all of it. Except for the stories, of course. They were the only things that historians, treasure hunters, and explorers could go off of. So, that's all the Golden Temple became. A legend. Until recently. By recently, I mean a few days ago, when the artifact was found," Menos finished his speech with a grand flourish of his hands. There was a brief silence in which any questions were to be asked before the plan was announced. Since no one had a question, Adon stood, "now, I will explain where to go from here." He walked to the front of the room, looking as if he were designed to stand there, "Ms. Daniels will be our archeologist. Professor Menos, Alexandro Tempes, and our two military guides Christos and Ivan will go with her."

"They will all head out tomorrow equipped with the right resources they need to start their journey. Ms. Daniels, you will be the head of the operation, and Mr. Tempes your second. Professor Menos is there to decipher ancient language and provide information. Christos and Ivan are there, as you probably have guessed, for your safety," Adon closed his speech, moving quickly to sit back down. This was the first time Parker had ever dealt with such a quick plan. The Greek government was very efficient when it came to organizing a dig, and even in organizing a self proclaimed treasure hunt. Parker raised her eyebrow when she remembered the name Tempes. Alexandro Tempes was indeed a Greek treasure hunter, who'd found, and explained many Greek treasures before. Parker had never met him, only heard about him.

Another official raised their hand, "how does the team go about beginning the search? Where do they start?" Professor Menos jumped in, "why, it's written right on the artifact. It was quite a riddle to solve, but our hunt starts right here in Athens. Athena's city. I do not believe the Golden Temple was built here. There would be too high of a chance that thieves would find it, and destruct it for its gold." "So, every time a fellow god wanted to visit Athena at the temple, they had to follow the same little clues to get there," Parker asked. "That's the funny part. No. It's like the gods were wired knowing where the temple was. Zeus knew first, but after it was built, all of them knew," Professor Menos explained, eyes wide, excitement evident, "that brings about the question of why the artifact was built in the first place, doesn't it?" The room was quiet, everyone taking in the new information.

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