15: The Enigma of Fentanyl and Unforgotten Pasts

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Nisha's Point of View

A week ago, I was finally discharged from the clinic, but since then, not much has changed. I find myself struggling to catch up with my classes because of the time I spent away. The teachers have given me extra homework to help me advance to the next year's level.

Currently, I'm at the library, determined to make up for the lost time. Nathalie and Shawn have been incredibly supportive, assisting me in every possible way. Nathalie and I have grown so close that it feels like we're sisters, and Shawn always lightens the mood, making time seem to pass quickly. It took me some time to fully trust Nathalie, but that changed yesterday when things took a positive turn.

Nathalie revealed to me that they were constructing a small hidden lab among the trees. They're working on their plans, and for now, Shawn insists that I don't intervene. He wants to get to know the real me before assigning me any specific tasks.

As I reached the library's entrance, I was jolted back to reality, reminded of the numerous projects and responsibilities awaiting my attention. One of those projects needed to be submitted tomorrow, and the library was my best chance to find the necessary information.

Heading directly to section C-1 on the bookshelf, I perused the neatly stacked medical books. My projects and assignments revolved around medicine, and I was currently searching for information on treating a particular animal condition. It felt a bit daunting since it was unfamiliar territory, focusing on animal illnesses rather than human ones.

While browsing for relevant material, my eyes caught sight of a peculiar gold-colored book that stood out among the rest. Curiosity getting the better of me, I decided to keep the book and investigate further. It seemed quite old, as if its owner had either failed to find it a proper place or had forgotten to return it.

As I examined the book, I noticed a letter carved on its side, which piqued my curiosity even further. The letter read, 'What was the source of the Fentanyl?'

As I tried to lift the large book from the shelf, my hands trembled with excitement and nervousness. It was covered in dust, and some of the pages were torn and worn out. Carefully, I corrected my posture and searched for a suitable reading spot. When I found a vacant spot, I took a deep breath, but heavy thoughts still consumed me. Was finding this book just a coincidence?

Sitting down, I gently opened the book, still trembling, but determined to hide my emotions. Would this be the moment when I finally find some answers? How prepared am I to face whatever lies within these pages?

As I turned to the first page, I found only a single word printed on it: FENTANYL. It was an unusual start, and I noticed that the pages didn't have any numbers. Nonetheless, I didn't let that stop me from eagerly turning to the next page.

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid drug that was first created on December 25, 1979. The original inventor of fentanyl did not have any intention of causing harm with its creation. Is it useful? Yes, it is indeed very useful. Fentanyl has been utilized as a potent pain reliever for medical purposes. It is effective in managing severe pain and is especially valuable for individuals who have experienced harm due to illegal drugs. Many people struggle with drug abuse, and Fentanyl has proven to be a highly effective treatment for these cases. Mr. Hakomoto Moore is the individual credited with creating this beneficial medication. His contributions have had a positive impact on controlling drug-related issues in Ottawa in a peaceful manner.

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