26: Unyielding Resolve

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Nisha's Point of View

The day we had been anticipating with both excitement and anxiety had finally arrived. It was the day of the intense battle, set to take place at Green University in Ottawa. As the time approached, the tension in the air was palpable. Daddy Truce was still missing, but he had assured us that he would join us at the university later to offer his assistance. While I was relieved to know he would be there, I couldn't help but worry about his safety.

Suddenly, the door to my room swung open with force, and six individuals entered, led by Nathalie, whose nervous demeanor surprised me.

"What's going on? Isn't the fight scheduled for later?" I asked, glancing at Shawn, who seemed equally concerned.

Nathalie's words left me in shock. It seemed that Grandpa had already initiated his deadly plan, and his soldiers were targeting anyone they encountered in Ottawa City. My heart sank at the thought of the innocent lives that might have already been lost due to Mr. Shon's greed and depravity.

Feeling a surge of determination, I clenched my fist. I had made a vow to myself to protect those I cared about, and I was not going to let Grandpa's cruel intentions go unchallenged.

"We need to be ready. Let's start the battle as soon as possible. If this is what he wants, then I'll give it to him," I declared with a steely resolve, walking over to my cabinet where our weapons were kept - samurai swords, shurikens, chains, and knives.

"Are you sure about this?" Shawn asked.

As I removed my artificial eyes, revealing my black and empty pupils, Rebecca was taken aback and fled from the room. I knew my appearance could be unsettling, but I had no time to dwell on it.

The clock showed it was still four o'clock, and there was time before the battle at Green University at seven o'clock. Mr. Shon's actions and plans were infuriating me. He was using my flaw against me, thinking I was weak. I wanted nothing more than to take him down without mercy for all the pain he had caused.

Shawn, sensing my anger and determination, spoke up, "Don't go at it alone. I'll inform the others right away."

I nodded in agreement, and they both turned to prepare for the impending battle.

The sounds of misery and cries of the helpless were echoing in my ears, fueling my rage. My stomach churned with anger as I heard the suffering around us. I pulled out my sword from my bag, contemplating the thought of using it to stab Mr. Shon in the heart. But I knew I had to remain focused on the battle ahead.

After thirty minutes, we all gathered in the meeting room. They asked me to enter first, knowing I would find a way for us to get there efficiently. Despite my seething anger, I kept my silence, hearing the cries of the victims in my mind. The desperation of parents trying to protect their children and the lives being lost fueled my determination to put an end to Mr. Shon's cruelty.

As we entered the conference room, I could tell they were aware of my mood, but they didn't interrupt my silence. Everyone was ready to go except for Daddy Truce, who seemed unaware of the impending conflict. However, I couldn't allow innocent lives to be ambushed. I couldn't bear the thought of the suffering I was hearing in my mind - the cries of desperate mothers searching for their children, the fear, and the loss.

Shawn confirmed my concerns, and I was relieved that he understood the importance of protecting the city's residents. They were not part of the conflict, and I was determined to be their guardian angel, keeping them safe at all costs.

Suddenly, I heard the voice of a mother searching for her daughter, and it was too much to bear. I couldn't stay in the meeting room any longer. I knew I had to help her, so I ran without thinking. Shawn followed me, and together, we fled the meeting room to assist the desperate mother in her search.

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