24: Sibling's Revelation

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December 21, 20**

Nisha's Point of View

I don't want to get out of bed. As I lay there, I realized that the war would be here before I knew it. I got up and went to the terrace, deep in thought once more. I pictured the battleground, imagining that everyone would be quarreling. I felt terrified, fearing the possibility of losing lives once more. But I also understood that laying down one's life in war is natural. We are in the midst of a conflict, and death is unavoidable.

I drew a long breath in, trying to steady myself. When I looked down from the terrace, I noticed Shione's guys hard at work, preparing for the upcoming battle. I observed someone training, and it seemed like they were all doing their best. I knew that our fight wasn't just for myself; it was also for those who needed help and their families.

"Nisha," Tita Asuncion's voice was heard. Since I rescued her, we haven't spoken much. We didn't have enough time to catch up, but I wasn't in the mood to undertake any workout right now. Somehow, without her guidance, I felt capable of fighting.

I didn't look back and kept my gaze fixed on the ground. I heard her footsteps and saw her in my peripheral vision, standing next to me. So, I just gave in and let her speak.

"I was quite concerned about Shawn's safety when he was younger. I'm willing to take chances and make self-sacrifices. It's just that we don't have any other option except to abandon him. I assumed he'd be protected, but I was mistaken," she stated.

"There's no such thing as a safe haven out there. In various ways, everyone is a traitor. He's a terrific traitor, like my father Truce, but not in a terrible sense," I replied.

"You're right," she said after pausing for a moment and sighed heavily, as if she'd been carrying something heavy for a long time. But I can't say I blame her. "Yes, I'm putting in too much effort. My thoughts were on my son and daughter when Mr. Shon took us. But I had faith in Scarlette to save Shawn, and I was correct," It felt like something was caught in my throat when she said those words. I was the cause of her daughter's death, but I didn't believe I was being held responsible.

It is said that fate is to blame for what is taking place. Should I place blame on fate? Mentally, I shook my head. That is not the fault of anyone. It is impossible to make amends for anything that occurs. We're simply a byproduct of people's evil, and then we become victims. I'll never be bold unless I face those challenges. And unless it happens to me, I'll never understand them. It is stated that if you are truly who you say you are, those who love you will accept you.

"I am quite grateful that you are rescuing me. Always keep in mind that everything happens for a purpose. We'll never hold anything against you. I want to fight for my husband and son's safety," she said, looking at me as she spoke. Her eyes were blurry, and she seemed distant.

I couldn't help but be taken aback by her unexpected actions when I looked at her closely. She seemed okay, and there was no Fentanyl in her system. I couldn't see what she was thinking since my eyes were covered by artificial peepers. However, I could still read her thoughts. She was considering how she would fight if she's still feeling weak.

As she abruptly turned to face me, I remarked, "You're not weak." She responded with a smile. "You're a formidable woman. A courageous mother who is willing to go to any length for her children," I said, but was taken aback when she drew me into a hug tightly.

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