Being alone isn't fun

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As hours, days, and weeks passed by, Steve fell deeper and deeper down in his depression.
He felt so lonely. No one visited him so often now.
Every day, he was just waiting to text Ne. He felt horrible, as he held the phone in his hand as it was the only small light that lighted up his pitch-black room, watching the gloomy atmosphere and rain outside his window.
The sound of an incoming message ringed shortly from his phone.
"Hey." Texted Ne. "Oh hello, Neru-chan.." responded Steve. "How are you?" "Ah well... i still miss you a lot... it's sad here without you." "Hmm me too, Steve." "I can't wait to see you.." "Me too. Don't be sad, we'll be able to meet eachother again soon."
Steve sighed, and smiled a bit, thinking about being finally again with Ne. It always.. felt so nice being with her.. he thought.
"O-okay..." texted Steve back. "I'll have to do something now. But you can text me any time again. Bye!" "Bye... see you soon, Neru-chan.."
Replied Steve as he turned off his phone.

Her beautiful emerald green eyes... her amazingly powerful, yet sometimes calmingly deep voice, her intimidating aura, beautiful bright red hair, and cold but also kind behavior.. he all missed it.. he simply couldn't wait to see her again.... It was still a bit weird.
Steve never felt... so good being around with someone like that before. "Could it be... ? That i.. love her?" He spoke to himself. "Ah i still don't know. I'm so unsure."
He blushed a bit and laid down on his bed behind him. The rain continued to fall.
It was dark. The cold air went through his opened window and filled his somewhat blank room covered in the darkness of the night. He couldn't stop thinking about Ne.
He looked on his alarm clock's didplay and thought that going already to sleep would be a good idea.
It was 3 am in the morning.
The different timezones were a difficult thing for both of them, but Steve still managed to adapt somehow.
He began spending his nights by texting Ne lately.
But He was tired.
He put away his phone on his table and went back to his bed and covered himself under the sheets.
He quickly fell asleep.

A Thing Computers Cannot Understand - (Steve x Ne fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now