Loneliness echoes far

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Another gloomy day passes by, another hour, minute, and second all start to run. The time moves slowly, but things pass too fast.
Steve sits alone at the table. There's no one there, and the chilling silence fills the somehow blank room. Steve stares at the wall and quietly sits.
Another minute passes by.
Steve yawns. His sleep deprivation worsened as days passed. Loneliness was eating his programmed heart up from the inside.

"I was dumb."

Steve speaks to himself and stares at the wall, breaking up the chilling silence.
"I love her, but i didn't tell her. I'm such an idiot."
Steve lays his head on the desk."  I should have told her sooner."

As the days passed by, steve began to realize he has been tied up into this strange type of feelings called love, and advanced and hard to keep up relationship, you sometimes cannot escape, no matter how much it hurts. He was now all alone, and he couldn't tell her that.
Steve felt a somewhat high sense of regret, for not telling her sooner. Now he'll have to be alone and wait, accumulating all of these tied up feelings and making his sleep deprivation worsen. Though, he realized that even if he'll meet with her again, it won't be that easy. At least he'll be with her again.
Oh how he missed her nice warm hugs.
Steve sighed.

His phone lighted up as a notification showed up on it's screen.

Ne has bought him a plane ticket to RW.
"Hey Stevie, you can come here now. Are you happy? I am myself kinda... you know, i missed you so much..."
Steve stared at the screen as it faded back to black. "Ha- hahahaha-" he quietly laughed as a wide smile appeared on his tired looking pale face. "O- t-thank you so much, Neru-chan!! I was just thinking about you- you're so kind for  doing that for me- i- i don't know what to give you in return-"
"Don't worry... i know what you can give me for free when you come here in return. I'd be really happy if you did it for me. Anyways, i'll save that for later. I'll be waiting for you!"
Steve wondered what could possibly Ne mean by that. "Hmm... alright! Anything for you! Anyways, how are you?"
"I'm pretty fine, i did finish another trial recently." "Oh nice." "And you too, how are you, Steve? I hope you're okay-"
Just fine..."
Steve sighed and replied.  Ne was a bit worried. "Don't worry, you'll be soon able to come here and visit me- i promise i'll be waiting for you!" Steve smiles as this message showed up. "Alright- can't wait to see you again- i kinda have something important to tell you." "Ah what is it?" Steve blused a bit thinking about it. "N-nothing, you'll see when i'll come." "Alright."
"Steve, it seems to be getting late for you, you should go to sleep.." "Alright..." "goodnight." Goodnight! See you soon!"
Steve turned off his phone and turned on the other side of his bed. "I miss you, Neru chan..." he whispered to himself. But he knew he'll be able to visit her soon, so that cheered him up a bit. Steve sighed as his alarm clock showed 2 am. He yawned and closed his tired eyes, falling deeply asleep.

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