The Girl Next Door

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The two sisters were busy in the kitchen, preparing lunch for themselves and their father–if he comes home early.

Yang finished cooking as Ruby was placing the utensils on the table.

"Sis! Place another plate in case dad gets back!"

The blonde shouted, turning off the stove.

Ruby gave her a thumbs up and a bright smile.

"Sure sis!"

She went back to get the plate, and yawned. Yang worriedly looked over to her sister. 

Ruby paid no attention to her heavy body, she was always sleepy anyway.

When was the last time she slept?

Yawning once more, she carefully placed the plate on top of the table.

She felt tired. REALLY tired.

As she was about to get the the 

spoons and forks, she felt dizzy.

Ruby stumbled towards a wall, holding on to keep her balance.


The world was spinning.

Her head hurt.

Her body felt heavy.

Her vision darkened.


The last thing the brunette heard was her sister's worried calls.

Then black. A loud thud was heard when her body fell and made contact with the floor.

Yang instantly panicked.

She was asleep!




"Ugh.... Ow..."

Ruby shifted, only to find herself in bed and with an inhaler.

Already uncomfortable with the said object blocking her face, she ripped it off and coughed one or two times.

She sat up and saw her attire; A hospital gown.

Her face displayed an expression of annoyance.

"Not again!. Ughhhh..."

She groaned, now aware that she is in a hospital, lying in a hospital bed.

Already bored, she stood up and carefully–and quietly– left her bed.

Apparently, it's lunch time. Not many nurses or staff were out and about.

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