Chapter 1

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~Kelsey's POV~

"Well maybe if you actually got your life together and stopped being a burn-out teenager, you'd actually pass a class once in a while." Isabel nagged in my direction as I was walking out of the room. I clenched my jaw abruptly before turning around. 

"Maybe if my mommy and daddy payed for my grades like yours I wouldn't be failing." I snapped back.

"At least I have a mommy and daddy." she smirked. I take a sharp intake and smile sweetly as if nothing ever happened. 

"You know what? You're right. Thanks for helping me get my life back together." I begin to walk away before turning on my heel and give a blow to her face, catching her by the nose. "That's my little piece of advice to you." I remark sweetly and smile as I see blood begin to drip from her nostrils.

As I walk out of the classroom, I hear her cry quietly. I didn't even hit her that hard.

I rush myself down the hall and to my locker, before exiting the building and finding Luke's car parked on the other side of the street. 

"Can you take me home?" I ask as soon as I get into the car. 

"I thought we were hanging out..?" He looks in my direction and cocks an eyebrow. 

Nodding, I try to think back to when we made these plans, but I can't remember a damn thing. 

"Yeah, we can hang out." I text my aunt saying I won't be home until late. I shake my head in anger and look at Luke. "I need to get the fuck out of here." He laughs softly and nods, starting the car.

"Why? First week of college isn't even over and you can't take it?" He said, smirking slightly. 

"Just shut up and drive." I pause, digging into my bag on the floor of his car and pulling out a small bag. "You want to share this?" I ask, already knowing the answer. 

He just laughs and nods, reaching in between our seats and pulling out a pipe. 

"You know, you should probably do a better job at hiding that." I cock him off, taking the pipe and filling the bowl carefully. I pull out my lighter and take a small hit. Making sure that he is parked, I hand him the pipe and lighter.

"What time do you need to be home?" He asks. I tell him 9:30 and continue doing what we're doing, carrying on our random conversation. 

"What did you do to your hand?" He asks as I look down, noticing a bruise start to surface. 

"I hit Isabel." I state, "She's a fucking bitch." I add, shaking my head. I can't believe out of all the colleges in Chicago, she chose the same one as me. Looking for ways to change the subject. "So have you seen Calum or Michael lately? They haven't been answering their texts."

"They got grounded, they're sneaking out tomorrow to hang out tomorrow though, want to come?"

I glance at him and nod, "Duh, why wouldn't I?" I ask sarcastically. "That's only if I get my homework done though." I say, trying to keep a straight face. We both immediately burst out laughing at the thought of me doing my homework. "Yeah, I'll be there."

Later that night when I get home, I get stopped as soon as I walk through the door. 

"How was your first week of college, Hun?" My Aunt Bea asked. I smile before answering, walking in her direction.

"I love it actually, I'm glad I'm finally in the big city. I think I'll do well here." Smiling brightly, I lie through my teeth. I hate it here. I hate Isabel and I hate college. But I need to get good grades and actually succeed so I don't prove Isabel right.

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