Chapter 4

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~Ashton's POV~

I cannot wait until tonight. Kelsey said we are going on another little adventure. It's been three weeks since the factory. I can't figure out what she has in store but she said it would be just us tonight. I wonder... No. Why must I think like that. It will never happen. I'm just like all the other guys to her.

"Class dismissed," the teacher says. I grab my books and am out of the room before half the people in there could even blink. Kelsey is already waiting outside the room for me.

"Hey pretty boy. How was your day?" I grin when I see her.

"Better now that I'm out of there. So what do you have in store for tonight?" She says nothing just smiles and starts walking to Luke's car parked outside waiting for us.

"You guys going to hang out with us until dark?" Luke asks us.

"Until dark? Why do we have to wait until dark?" I look at Kelsey who has already nodded to Luke.

"You don't want to get caught with your pants off do you?" She smirks at me. I feel my face start to burn. "Don't worry you can keep your underwear on," she sighs. "Maybe."


Kelsey has my hand intertwined with hers as she leads me through trees.

"So where are we going and why?" I ask smacking stray branches away from my face. It's way too dark for me to be running around in the woods but I can't help it. Kelsey makes me want to do things I normally wouldn't do.

"You will see. Trust me this is fun and you don't even have to be high." I don't have to be high to have fun around you, I think to myself.

"Fine." Is all I say. She slows down when we get to a small hill. She climbs down slowly and I follow her movements. She stops by the river we were at so many nights ago.

"We're here," she points to the river. The moonlight makes her eyes shine and it's hard to get a word out. It's makes things ten times harder when she takes off her shirt too.

"W-what are y-you doing?" I glare at her back waiting for her to answer.

"Swimming." She states simply. "Are you going to join me?" She turns around, unbuttoning her pants. I stare at her not able to get any words out. "Ash close your mouth you'll catch flies like that." She grins. I remember when we first met. I swear she does this to me on purpose. Okay so it's obvious she does but I'll get over her soon right? She turns to the water and takes a running jump. When she surfaces a smile is smeared across her face. "I told you your pants could come off tonight right?" She puts her long brown hair into a bun and waits for me. I can't think straight. I peel off my shirt and hesitate with my pants but take them off anyway.

"I'm not jumping in." I say feeling over exposed. She shrugs and floats on her back. I put my feet in and slowly lower myself in. After I have my legs halfway lowered I look up to see Kelsey but she isn't there. "Kelsey?" I say a bit panicked. I scan the water but see no sign of her. All of the sudden I feel something wrap around my ankle. Oh shit is all I can think before I am yanked under water. I come up gasping. "Kelsey, what the hell." I smile at her beautiful face.

"You were taking too long." She laughs. "I needed you wet faster than that." I splash her. "Oh so that's how this is going to go. Gonna be feisty are we?" She lowers into the water so only her eyes are visible. With a wink she disappears under the water again. I search for her. Dammit she is good. I'm thrown back when she jumps out of the water right in front of me soaking me with a wave of fishy water. "Don't test me boy," she grins innocently.

"Oh you're gonna get it now." I twirl around in a circle at high speed and throw a wave at her. We both break out into full on war. Water flies every which way soaking our clothing on the shore. I can't help but break out into a panting laugh. "Okay, okay," I say holding up my hands. "Truce," she grins at me.

"Giving up so easily? This was just getting fun." She moves slowly towards me through the water. "You have seaweed in your hair," she giggles, throwing it to the side. Good god she is beautiful. the moon light makes the water on her face shimmer like diamonds and I can't help but touch her. I find myself grazing my thumb across her cheek. She looks up at me through her long lashes.

"You know what?" I start to say before shaking my head and breaking the eye contact, lowing my gaze down to the water. "Nevermind."

"No.." She whispers before moving just slightly closer to me, "What is it?" I shake my head, somewhat disappointed in myself for saying what I'm about to say.

"It's just..." I pause and look back up into her eyes. "I want you, Kelsey.. And I know you're never going to want me back.. Maybe as a friend but not the way I want you to want me.." I look down, scared she's going to get mad or move away. 

"What makes you think that, Ashton?" she asks. Wow.. That was the first time she has used my full name. I shrug slightly, still looking down to my reflection in the water. 

"I'm not exactly what someone would want, am I? I mean... I'm just this shy goody goody that wears jeans probably too short. I've only had one girlfriend and even she told me that I need to man up and do things out of my comfort zone. I'm too much of a goody for someone to want. Especially someone like y--" I get interrupted by the feel of her lips pressed against mine, her hand placed gently on the crook of my neck. I get slightly confused at what is happening before I let my eyes slowly shut and being to kiss her back. I've been waiting for this for far too long. 

With both of our eyes still closed, she she pulls back just enough so our lips brush as she speaks. "Don't you dare ever say anything like that about yourself again. Our group loves you. And don't say I don't want you, Ashton. Because I think I have since I first laid eyes on you." And with that, I nodded and slowly leaned in, reconnecting our lips. I pull her closer to me and hold her tight. I don't ever want to let go.

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