Chapter 7

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~Luke POV~

We walk side by side.  Calum takes extra precautions to not touch his hand to mine. Not even the slightest brush.  I know he's afraid but it's starting to make me wonder how much he really wants this.

He laughs at the little nothings we joke about.  He looks so calm, so sure of himself. As if he has no care in the world.  I sneak glances at him every once in a while making sure no one sees, not even him.  I forget everyone else around us and focus on him.

"Luke, are you even listening?" Calum asks.  A look of question crosses his otherwise carefree face as he looks at something in the distance.  I turn around to look at a small cafe across the street. Ash sits across from two beautiful blondes.  One sits tall and confident, obviously comfortable in her own skin.  The other sits silently as a confidence booster for the first.  I squint at the group.  What is Ashton doing with them?

"Maybe they are all friends." I say, not even sure if I believe my own words. Calum shakes his head.

"I don't know, something about that picture isn't right." He grabs my wrist and pulls me to a table outside the restaurant we were currently by.  "We need to blend in." He states matter of factly.

"We shouldn't spy on him. If we are going to be friends with Ash we need to trust him.

"This will be a text then. Let's see if he passes." He grabs a menu and looks back to their table. "If he doesn't pass then I won't trust him, simple as that." I look back at the table. For all we know they could be friends or maybe even related.

Ashton stands up, a glowing smile spread across his face. The tall, overly confident girl stands with him. They hug each other and pull away.

"See? They aren't anything more than--". Calum holds up a hand and points back to the two.  Dhr has her hands wrapped up in Ash's hair and his midway down her back as they kiss.  My jaw drops. Calum grabs my wrist again as I attempt to stand up.

"Don't." He hisses.

"We can't just let this happen! He's with Kelsey. He can't be with someone else too!" I nearly shout.

"Shut your god damn mouth.  We will fix this. But not right now." He glares into my eyes, knowing I won't fight him.  I can't, he's got too much control over me.  I physically can't bring myself to hurt him.

"How will we fix this?  Kelsey won't believe us." I say. She never believes people unless they have proof and especially not if it's about Ash.  This will hurt her so much.  I've never seen her this happy.  But she needs to know, doesn't she?

Calum holds up his phone to my face.  A picture of Ashton and that blonde bum sucking faces is clear on the screen. "She'll believe us."

~Kelsey's POV~

I sit, mindlessly playing on my phone as I hear Luke's front door open, u hear his and Calum's voice going back and forth.

"Calum, we have to tell Kelsey." Luke snaps, obviously irritated by something, before walking into his room where I am sitting.

I cock an eyebrow and look up at them, surprised they haven't even noticed I'm here yet.

"Tell Kelsey what?" I ask, slightly nervous, looking at them.

"God dammit!" Luke snaps. "Why are you always here?!" My eyes widen at the sight of him yelling.

"What did you have to tell me?" I ask, ignoring his question. Neither of them answer me, the anger slowly fading from Luke's features as he realizes he's never yelled at me before or has been mean like that. "If neither of you are going to fucking tell me then I'm leaving. I don't have time for this bullshit and obviously someone doesn't want me here." I state, glaring at Luke before brushing past them and walking out. I hear Calum call for me but I'm just not in the mood.

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