Chapter 2

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~Kelsey's POV~

It has been about 10 minutes and Ashton is following me around like a puppy dog. He hasn't even realized that we haven't got to class yet.

"Hey, pretty boy. You want to skip today? I can show you around the town today." I ask, winking at him. This is going to be really fun. 

"W-Well, sure. I mean, I won't get in trouble, right?" He asked quietly. I laugh softly and shake my head.

"Blame it on me, everyone hates me here anyway." I remark, smiling at him. "Now let's go." I take his hand and begin walking off campus. I can't believe I'm actually doing this. I've never lead someone on before. I began to show him around the town and we seemed to get along pretty well actually. 

"So how long have you lived in Chicago?" He asks shyly.

"I actually don't live here I live about 20 minutes out of town but I moved there when I was 6." I mumble, looking to the ground. I begin to think about the incident again.

"Why did you decide to move here? You don't really seem like the big city type. Did your parents want to live here?" He asks unknowingly. I shake my head and shrug. 

"I live with my aunt.." I whisper before completely changing the subject. "So I heard you're not a virgin."

"What? Who told you that?!"

"I don't know, are you?" I laugh quietly.

"Yes! Wait uhh no." He says before looking down. "Yeah I am.." I laugh and lift his chin up to look me in the eyes before speaking.

"You want me to change that, babe?" I wink and lean my head nearly as close as I did earlier.

"B-But we just m-met.." He mumbles, looking to the ground before all his books fall to the floor. I laugh and lean over to pick them up, knocking my head against his. I let out a soft giggle and hand him his books. "You know, you're not as much of a badass as you come off to be."

"What's that supposed to mean.?" I ask, slightly offended. He can't see the real me, no one can. 

"I don't know.. All I've heard you do are those laughs that are low and controlled but that giggle you did was just... cute.." He blushes deeply and I smile slightly before laughing. 

"Giggle? What giggle?" I say, my voice way lower than I planned, obviously hiding something now. "You haven't met the squad, have you?" I smiled at him as he shook his head. "Let's go make you some friends."


"Hey losers! I'm home!" I say crashing through the door to Luke's house. They are here, they always are. "I brought you some new meat!" I hear them jumping off the couch and scrambling to the door.

"Oh you actually meant a person." Michael said unamused. "I thought you were gonna cook for us." He pouts. I squint at him. They're gone. Perfect timing then. Calum lights his pipe and takes another hit. I glance at Ash, he looks mortified at what he is seeing. I laugh and take the pipe from Calum, lighting one up myself. I hand it in Ash's direction, watching his reaction. 

To my surprise, he takes it from my hands and puts the piece between his lips before pulling it away for a second. "So what exactly am I supposed to do?" He questions shyly. I take the lighter from him and light the bowl of the pipe. 

"Suck." I demand, watching him suck way too hard on the end of the piece. He practically jumps back and begins his coughing fit, Luke laughing his ass off at what he just saw. I start laughing before hopping up and going to get him a glass of water. By the time I return Luke is sitting with his arm around Ashton while he is still coughing up a fit.

"You know.. You seem like a good kid." Luke says before totally geeking out. My god. Why do I choose to be friends with people who live like this? I hand Ashton his water and take the pipe from him. 

"So how'd it taste?" I smirk slightly as he finally stops coughing. 

"It tasted... Different.." He says before continuing. "I feel weird.. Like.. Really weird. Is this really happening?" He asks but all the guys just sit and laugh at him. 

"Well anyway, Ashton, meet the boys. They're not much, but they're all I have and all I need." I say, Ashton nodding and waving to all of them.

"Hey Ashton, did you know that when you're high you get hornier?" Calum says, totally bullshitting him. At that point they all look at each other before darting towards the door and closing it behind them, leaving me and Ashton in the room together. 

"Is that true? Does that mean we are going to fuck?" He asks, sounding a little worried. I gasp teasingly.

"I never thought I'd hear you swear, you're getting better, pretty boy." I smirk and pause. "And no you don't have to, but the offer is still on the table." I wink at him, not really sure how I feel about this.

He looks around the room trying to find something to say. He looks anywhere but at me. I hop onto the couch and crawl so I'm leaning against him.

"So," I say looking him dead in the eyes. "I said it was up to you." I state waiting for him to say something. "Why are your pants still on?" I smirk at him with a wink.

"Wait I-- are we actually--- but we just---" I start laughing. I wonder if it's starting to kick in for him?

"I was kidding. You can keep your pants on horn dog." I can tell he's feeling something because that makes him laugh.

"Was this that feeling they were talking about because I don't think this is the same as horny." He looks at me and that shine in his eyes is glossed over. He's actually attractive. I wonder...

"Casperz!" Calum shouts coming back in. "What! Why aren't there naked butts all up in this room?" He walks up to us putting his hands on his hip. "I am very disappointed in you Casperz, you were supposed to show our guest a good time."

"I'm sorry, would you like to do the honors?" Calum glares at me.

"Any excuse to be naked is good for me." He starts to take off his shirt when Luke and Michael burst through the door.

"LOOLOOLOOLOOLOOL!" They scream along to a song which doesn't even match the music. Is this really the best place to have a new kid? Probably not but who cares. I turn to him to see if he's okay. I can't help laughing at what I see.

Pretty boy sits in front of me staring intently at his own hand. "It's so small." He says not taking his eyes off of it. I grab his face with my hands and squint into his eyes. He's okay, they look normal.

"How's it feel?" He doesn't say anything just smiles and gives me two thumbs up. Good. I wonder if he'd like to be in this little friend group. I'll have to ask the guys if it's alright when Ash isn't around--

"Hey random dude that Casperz brought home, do you want to hang out with us more often?" Luke asks for me. Well alright then that was easy. I look back to see him frantically nodding his head. Good. New addition to the loser club. I smile at Ash. This will be fun.

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