Chapter 3

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~Ashton's  POV~

"Hey, Pretty Boy. You wanna hang out tonight?" Kelsey asks me as we were walking to class. I look over at her and nod. She's stunning. No.. I can't be thinking like this. 

"Sounds great!" We walk into the classroom and sit in our seats, hoping the teachers don't say anything about yesterday. As we sit through the class period, the teacher gives us some looks, but never confronts us of anything.  The teacher gives us a project to do and gives us the rest of the lecture to do it. 

"So what are we doing tonight? Crashing at your place?" I ask as we work on our assignment.

"No, Pretty Boy. Keep dreaming. It'll be a surprise." She winks in my direction and I can feel my face flush slightly. "So did you enjoy yesterday?" 

I nod without saying anything. It was... Different. I actually enjoyed it. I didn't have to worry about people not liking me here and I actually feel like they accept me. Even though they were all high and I just met them yesterday...

After class I began to walk out but get stopped by Kelsey.

"Hey Ash, you want to hang out after school or should I pick you up later?"

"I think after school will be fine." I answer, a little embarrassed at the thought of a girl having to pick me up. Man, I really need my license.


~Kelsey's POV~

We showed up at Calum's house about an hour after class got out and now we just have to wait for him to get home and we can do what we planned.

"Tonight will prove that you are worthy enough to be in our little group." I say with a smart-ass tone of voice. "I'm just giving you shit, we aren't that mean." 

"You think I wouldn't do it? I thought your "Pretty Boy" was getting better." He cocks me off. Maybe he actually is changing. But it's only been a day and I don't want him to have to change.. He's a cool guy. 

"You are, don't worry. I was just giving you shit." I tease, which leads us into almost ten minutes of awkward silence. He soon broke the silence with random questions about life and how it is so amazing that the Earth got put in the exact right place for humanity to live here. We continued talking about his question until he asked me another one out of no where. 

"So why don't you live with your parents?" 

I look up at him with a surprised look on my face, thinking on if I should actually tell him or not. He wouldn't judge me, would he? No, he wouldn't.. I look down, fiddling with my fingers as I let out a soft whisper. "My mom died of cancer when I was 4, and my dad--"

"HONEY I'M HOME!" Calum yells from the other room. Thank god... I didn't know how much more I could've said before breaking down. Ashton gave me a concerned look before Calum walked into the room. "You guys ready to leave?" He asks, plopping down on the couch next to us. 

"Hold up, you have to feed me first." I cross my arms and look over to him. "I bought a pizza and it's in the freezer."

"And you waited until I came home becauseeeeee?" He raises an eyebrow.

"I'm too lazy for that shit. Please go make me food." I give him the most adorable smile I can manage until he gets up and leaves the room. I remember what me and Ash were talking about and I try my hardest to avoid the conversation so I stand up and follow him out of the room. "You coming, Pretty Boy?" Without his answer, I turn and follow Calum to the kitchen. 

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