Chapter 4- Redfield

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This pic thought 🔥
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Chapter 4-

After JJ dropped me off at home I planned to head to John B's to see if he'd returned home, I'd hear we was taken in by the police a few hours ago. Quietly I approach his house to see a figure standing out the back next to a large open fire, as I creep closer I notice the burning pictures and papers on the floor.
"Hey John B" I say standing next to him and staring into the fire,
"Hey. Can I ask you something?"
"Go for it"
"Why do you want to help us so much?" I take a moment to think,
"You think your dad is still alive right?" He nods " I know what it's like to loose a father so if you believe there's even the slightest chance you'll get to see yours again, I want to help you. Plus I don't have many friends." He smiles at my genuine desire to help when a look of hope washes over his face,
"Redfield" he says
"But you didn't find anything at the lighthouse it was a dead end"
"No Redfield, I know what it actually mean come on."

Confused I climb into his van and drive to pick up the others. John B doesn't say a word to us the while drive and so we sit there clueless that is until we pull up outside the cemetery.
"Dude really this is freaky" moans JJ as we stand outside a small mausoleum  the word Redfield engraved into the stone.
"We had it all wrong guys Redfield was my grandmothers maiden name"
"So you think a clue could be hidden in here" I say curiously,
"It makes sense, my father is trying to leave a trail only I could possibly follow"
"Fine I'll go in" Kiara volunteers,
"What me to come too?" I offer,
"Yes please" she half laughs.

The boys make a sort of staircase for us to scale in order to squeeze though the crack in the stone. I place a booted foot on JJ's knee as he supports me. When both me and Kiara are safely inside we begin to look about for something, anything. When I spot a curious reflection in the touch light,
"Hey Kiara is this it?" I say picking up a package.
"I suppose so" he says passing it through to John B.
"That's it!" He exclaimed.

Kiara scales the wall first and then I follow closely, JJ supports me by the waist as he lifts me to the ground,
"Thanks asshole" I joke. Playfully he punched my arm and we all head back for the van when yet again the familiar sound of police sirens rings. We rush to escape over the fence but in the hast Popes trousers get caught and are the only things left hanging from the fence by the time the police arrive. Once again we left laughing with cries of victory.

We drive back to John B's to open the package and discover the next lead in our search. As John B prepared himself JJ made a sandwich.
"That breads had mould on for days now" warned Pope,
"God JJ you're a nightmare" I laughed.

We all surrounded John B anxiously as he opened the package inside lay a map and a voice recorder. Silently we listened to the sound of Johns dads voice speak words of love, hope and encouragement. Upset John B leaves and Kiara follows to comfort him.

That night we find ourselves sat around a small fire as it crackles and hisses. We talk about what he'd spend the money on. Pope says college and text books, Kiara dreams of making an album and JJ wants to go full Kook.
"What about you S?" They ask me. I take a moment before replying,
"I wanna travel, see the world" I say finally ,
"You gonna take me?" Smiles Kiara,
"Duh" I laugh.
"To going full Kook" we all cheers.

Thanks again for being here, don't forget to leave a like and a comment if you're enjoying the story so far.

Hope to see you again! I

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