i hope you're feeling better

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wednesday morning

wednesday morning

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good morning samu!


i hope you're feeling better

tsumu told me you guys
fought and i just wanna tell
you i'm here for u if you
need me !!

i hope you've also been
eating well

i was sad that we didn't get
to each lunch together
yesterday but that's okay

maybe tmrw!!


did you get the notes too?

i wasn't sure since you
didn't text me last night and
i didn't want to bother you

if you still need them i can
send them to you! i made
them neat so you won't
have any trouble reading

um have a good day ok!!


i know you have a break
and we kinda talked about
hanging out but it's okay
if we don't today

i hope you have lunch and
that you ate

umm i can share my lunch
if you don't though.


sorry for texting you so much
maybe it's annoying and you
want space but i just wanna
let you know that i'm here for
you and that i just wanna make
sure you're okay. i saw you
earlier but you looked like
you didn't wanna talk and you
had both earphones in so i
just didn't say anything. i was
kinda feeling scared too but i
was just nervous! i still want to
talk to you. you just probably
need space right? um sorry
for the long text i just didn't
want to spam you. i hope you're
okay and that you had a fun
break with suna at 1! i was
gonna ask maybe you wanna
go home together but i don't
think you do. but that's also
okay since i understand! um
maybe text me back sometime?
i just wanna know if you're
okay. if not yet maybe thursday?
i miss you!



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