another picnic

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monday morning


it wasn't hard to spot hinata
considering the fact that he
looked like a tangerine.

ponyo, akaashi's older brother's
samoyed, was also easy to
spot due to his large size as
a bigger dog breed.

"shouyou! kenma! keiji!"

the boys all turned to you and
unfortunately, kenma, who was
holding onto ponyo's leash was
dragged as the white fluffy canine
had ran towards you.

it definitely didn't help kenma
that ponyo wore a harness
which let him tug much easier
from someone who didn't hold
his leash right.

you burst into laughter, kenma's
shocked expression clear in your


the dog understood nothing and
jumped up to place his front paws
onto you chest, feet tapping onto
the ground as his whole bum was
shaking in addition to his tail.

"hi buddy! hi!"

you cupped ponyo's face and
began talking to him like one
would a baby, puckering your lips
and murmuring excitedly.

he of course loved the attention.

kozume kenma

kenma let out a groan, rubbing
his shoulder which he felt almost
got yanked out of place because
of ponyo's excitement.

kozume kenma
"i'm giving the leash to shouyou

hinata shouyou
"uwah! y/n-chan! how are

you pulled away from ponyo
and beamed at hinata who
was jogging over with akaashi.

"hey! i'm good~ how are you?"

hinata smiled warmly.

it was only now that you noticed
akaashi holding onto a picnic

hinata shouyou

"a picnic basket?"

akaashi nodded.

akaashi keiji
"my brother brought it over
when he came to drop ponyo

akaashi keiji
"he made us something to
eat so i thought we could all
enjoy the lunch outside but i
know you already had a picnic."

you laughed, waving it off.

"no worries~ i love the idea
so i'm all for it!"

the five of you headed over
towards the dog park, kenma
handing the leash to hinata who
was more than happy to take

after all, the day was technically
for him to spend with ponyo to
have a grasp on what it was like
to have a dog.

while hinata played with ponyo
at the park, interacting with other
dog owners and dogs big and
small, you sat with the two other
boys at a bench just watching

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