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friday night


sakusa was a total psycho for
choosing what was deemed
to be one of the scariest movies
to exist.

you were hoping he'd choose
something on the softer side,
something more of a thriller
than complete utter horror,
but instead was presented
with a movie you did not
want to watch at all.

but were you going to pussy
out in front of all the smug
boys in your living room?

absolutely not.

however, you were barely
watching the movie as your
eyes were often being covered
by the blanket you were sharing
with osamu.

he thought about just giving you
the blanket in its entirety as it
kept rising whenever you'd lift
it to hide yourself but he found
it a little cute.

only a little.

he leaned down to whisper to

miya osamu
"would you cut that out?"


you screamed and threw your
arms out, smacking him straight
in the face along with bokuto
who was seated on your other

osamu groaned and pushed
your hand away the same
time bokuto did however
bokuto was a bit more aggressive
as your scream completely
startled him.

bokuto koutarou

you screamed at the top of
your lungs and fell forward
off the couch, limbs tangling
with the blanket which sent
your mind into panic.

you could barely see in the
dark and lost your sense
of reality in the heat of the
moment, trashing your limbs
out of pure panic.

your heart was rampaging
against your chest and your
eyes were beginning to sting
with tears.

miya osamu
"hey! hey! relax!"

gentle hands took hold of you
by your waist and the other
against yout thigh.

miya osamu
"relax y/n, you're okay."

your mind calmed before your
body did, shaking slightly at
the suddenty of what happened.

even bokuto was a little shaken
up but wasn't able to compose
himself as quick as osamu.

everyone else grew concerned
for you and the lights were
soon turned on which helped
you untangle yourself from
the blanket.

akaashi keiji
"you alright?"

you nodded shyly, covering
your face from embarrassment.

it was only now that a couple
snickers were let loose, causing
your blush to deepen and spread
to your ears.

"oh shut up! osamu fucking
scared me!"

miya osamu
"that wasn't my intention."

bokuto koutarou
"jeez y/n! you scared me in
return! i fucking thought i was
gonna die!"

a heart to hold miya osamu [ ✓ ]Where stories live. Discover now