deserving of the world

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monday night

monday night

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hey sorry i didn't head home
with you

it's okay hahah we have our
own lives

i know

but i asked and then immediately
took it back

a part of me feels bad

it's alright, samu

we have so many days to walk
home together

i guess

are you free right now?

yes i am

did you wanna video call?

no bc i'll get too distracted lmao

bruh o k

hahaha i have work to do but i
just wanted to get something off
my chest if u dont mind??

oh shsjdhsjsj

yeah ofc!! go ahead samu


so uh i know we never rly talked
about high school bc i dont rly
like talking about it but there is
one thing i wanna talk about

im all ears !!

so i went to go walk home with
a friend i went to high school
with and she and i had kinda a
weird status when it came to
friendship but i really enjoyed
being around her

she's always had a hard time
socializing so i haven't rly talked
to her since before our very first

almost 2 years????? :OO

yeah haha but we didnt even
talk much back then anyway

she avoided me a lot but i wouldn't
blame her since a lot of ppl always
gave her shit for no reason

🥺🥺🥺🥺 why???

she had a smaller circle of friends
and me and tsumu were kinda
her only friends in our year

guess it was the whole "miya twins"
thing that ppl would attack her just
bc she was talking to us

i guess i just picked up on it
later but she always checks her
surroundings and she shakes

the others are dumb and i hate
that i didn't notice it quick enough
or got to do anything about it

fuck your high school

a heart to hold miya osamu [ ✓ ]Where stories live. Discover now