a perfect fit

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tuesday afternoon


miya osamu
"we're just getting two things
right? we don't need a cart or
even a basket?"

you hummed, tilting your head
to the side to think.

"well, yeah, popcorn seasoning
and popsicles."

"but i mean it doesn't hurt to
grab some snacks for home."

osamu nodded and let go of
your hand, grabbing a basket
with wheels and then following
you to the isles you wanted to

miya osamu
"it's been a while since you
and i went grocery shopping."

you laughed.

"you consider grabbing popcorn
seasoning and popsicles getting

osamu smiled.

miya osamu
"well, i mean, we're still at a
grocery store are we not?"

you stuck your tongue out at
him before turning away to give
your attention to the snacks in
front of you.

"you know, when i first met you,
i thought you were really cute."

miya osamu
"oh? did you now."

he stood beside you and watched
as you eyed the chips, clearly
serious about which ones you
wanted to take.

"yeah. the first time i actually
ever laid eyes on you, i thought
you were a fucking greek god."

osamu chuckled.

miya osamu
"now i'm just a closeted weeb
to ya?"

you laughed, grabbing a bag of
akaashi's favourite chips and
tossing it into the basket.

you turned to walk further into
the isle, osamu following right
behind you.

"greek god turned into geek

osamu laughed.

"but at least you're hot."

miya osamu
"nice to know my looks swayed
you into me."

"well~ looks are definitely
something that catches one's

"you gotta be attracted first,
dontcha think?"

osamu smiled at your diction
and the way you pronounced
your words.

miya osamu
"so you're telling me you
thought atsumu was cute
the first time you met him?
that he's a greek god?"

you tossed your favourite chips
into the basket like it was a
basketball and posed when it
went in, making osamu roll his
eyes playfully.

"you guys have the same face
so anyone who thinks you're
cute thinks he's cute too."

"but listen close, mr. miya

osamu raised his brows.

"personality is what brings us
into a full circle."

a heart to hold miya osamu [ ✓ ]Where stories live. Discover now