Cheater!Sasuke Uchiha x Suicidal!Reader

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Please guys, if you are suicidal get help. No one wants to lose a loved one in such a horrible way. There are people that care about you and people that are willing to help you.

This is a Modern AU.


I wrapped my arms around Sasuke from behind. "Are you still working?" I asked, looking towards his laptop screen. He didn't reply, he continued typing. It was normal to be ignored by Sasuke.

I sighed and pulled away from him. I was always ignored by him or if he spoke I was insulted. I wondered how we even began dating. He didn't love me. I needed his attention today. He can ignore me on other days, but today was important.

"I'm going to the hospital today. See you later." I said and grabbed my purse. Sasuke didn't glance at me as I walked to the door.

"Don't do anything stupid." He said as I opened the door. I smiled and walked to the car. I drove to the hospital where I've been going to regularly. I walked to the doctor and she smiled.

"(Y/N), Nice to see you again. Are you ready to learn the gender of your baby?" She asked. I nodded and smiled.

"I'm ready. My boyfriend won't be joining us again though." I said and pulled at my sleeves. I hadn't told Sasuke that I was pregnant. There was no point. He would ignore me as always if I told him.

"I hope he will look after you and your baby." She said with pity in her eyes. Pity that I did not want or need.

"He will," I said and forced a big bright smile.

The gynecologist hooked me up to the machines so I could get an ultrasound.

She smiled at me. "Congratulations, you're having a boy." She said. I gasped and grinned. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes. I was so happy. The gender didn't matter, but now I'll be able to tell Sasuke.

After the trip, I walked back to my car. Naruto and Hinata stood by it.

"Hi." I greeted. Hinata waved shyly and Naruto grinned.

"Hey, (Y/N)! I'm surprised to see you here." He said. His bright smile never leaving his face. I stood close to the couple.

"Well, It's a surprise to see you two as well," I said. I held my forearm as I leaned against the car. Hinata had her hands laced with Naruto's as he spoke.

"Well Hinata's pregnant so we have to come here. I'm so excited to be a dad!" Naruto said. He was fired up. His happiness shone in his eyes. I hoped Sasuke would be this happy.

"Congratulations," I said and smiled. "I'm so happy for you two." I gave Hinata and Naruto a hug. They were smiling. They were the perfect couple unlike Sasuke and me.

"Are you also pregnant, (Y/N)?" Hinata asked in her usual soft voice. I nodded. I rubbed the back of my head only to realize that my sleeve lifted. I moved my hand down as quickly as possible, hoping my friends hadn't seen the red lines etched into my skin.

Hinata stared at me as if she saw. "Congratulations to you too!" Naruto said and hugged me. I smiled in a sheepish manner.

"I should probably go tell Sasuke," I said. Naruto and Hinata turned to each other. Their eyebrows furrowed as they turned back to me.

"Are you two still together?" Naruto asked. I nodded. He frowned and his rage was visible on his face. Hinata's gorgeous eyes held anger as well. She took an envelope from her handbag and gave it to me.

I raised my eyebrow in confusion and opened the envelope.

"How could Sasuke do that to you? I'm so angry!" Naruto yelled, anger seething from his body.

X suicidal reader (One shots) (Requests Closed) (On Hold) Where stories live. Discover now