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TW: Unsympathetic!Morality, SortaUnsympathetic!Roman, yelling, and mentions of dirty stuff (by Remus obviously)

"Lo? I'm really sorry about earlier, I don't know what got into us.."

Logan froze. Despite knowing Virgil was on the other side of the door, he couldn't help but be frightened of what he was gonna say.

Slowly, Logan made his way to the door, questionable glances from Deceit and Remus being cast upon him.

Opening the door, Logan saw how much of a mess Virgil was. His eyeshadow was smudged, more than usual; faint tear tracks were on his cheeks and his hair was a mess.

"Listen, I'm sorry and-"

Virgil was pulled into a hug. He was shocked but slowly eased into it. They stayed like that for a while, happy to have a friend.

"Thank you for trying to help with my attack, I know you were panicking,"

Suddenly, Deceit cleared his throat. The eyeshadow wearing side didn't notice them but were only mildly shocked to see them.

"Hello, Virgil. Would you mind explaining to us what happened after I left?"

Nodding his head, Virgil moved Logan's desk chair to face the bed and sat on it. Logan soon followed and joined Deceit and Remus on the bed.

"Well, after you left-"

"Patton! What the fuck was that?!"

Thomas was furious. Not only did he watch Morality torture Logan but he thought he was his friend.


"Don't you dare 'kiddo' me! Why would you say those things to Logan?! I thought you were my morality! And you, Roman! Why would you side with him?! You're almost as much as a villain as he is! "

While Patton was trying to calm himself down to avoid him yelling again, Roman looked shocked that Thomas would ever say such a thing.

"I am NOT the villain! You never said anything when all of us, including you, treated Virgil like he just did!"

"Don't you EVER say that! I never said those things about Virgil! He.."

Thomas trailed off, looking at Virgil.

Despite him panicking, he looked furious, almost as much as Patton was.

"I thought you guys were the good guys but even Deceit, master of 'lies', acted better than you today,"

"Now kiddo, I know you don't mean that so how about we all go and cool off and we'll talk tomorrow, okay?"

He glared at one who he once considered his father.

"Don't you dare call me kiddo,"

And with that he sunk out.

"So Thomas isn't mad at any of us?"

Anxiety was shocked that Remus would even ask that.

"No! He's only mad at Pa- Morality and sort of Creativity,"

Remus smiled a toothy grin and hugged Logan from behind.

"So I guess he likes my talk about juicy buttholes better than them, right?"

"I guess so, Remus," Logan leaned into the hug. "I guess so.."

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