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"I think it would be best if you guys leave right now, I just need my thoughts to myself for now,"

Nobody spoke. They didn't need to. The four just sunk out, leaving a slightly frazzled Thomas in the living room.

The host was exhausted but there was still one side he needed to talk to. Ro-Creativity.

With all the strength he could muster, he summoned Roman, his heart breaking when he saw him in a similar state to earlier.

However, the creative side tried to keep his composure this time. The tear marks were gone but his eyes were still red, an indicator that he only recently stopped crying.

"Right, tell me why you did what you did and don't lie to me,"

Roman's eyes welled up with tears once again but attempted to keep them at bay.


"Um, well, I knew what Patton was saying was wrong.. but I guess, well, I don't know-"

"What did we say about lying , Creativity?"


Wincing at the cold tone, Roman tried to keep himself from sobbing right there and then, it wouldn't benefit either of them.

"I guess I just.. didn't want to believe Patton was being... less than kind,"


"So you sided with him?! Even though you knew he was being horrible to Logan, you still defended him?!"


"Yes! He practically raised me and I don't want to believe that the morals I was taught are wrong! All the sides he deemed bad have to be bad! He-he can't be wrong.. I don't want my dad to be wrong.. He-he-"


The creative trait couldn't finish his sentence as he sobbed into his hands. Thomas was horrified that he would yell at Roman for believing in his father.

"I'm so sorry, Roman,"

He said as he engulfed the side in a hug, the other happily hugged back.

The other sides they unknowingly summoned, stared at the two of them.

Logan cautiously joined the hug, causing Roman to tense, but eventually ease into the hug again.

Deceit, Remus and Virgil doom followed, still weary but understanding. They knew they didn't want to believe it either.

And Patton. Patton just watched them all, itching to join the hug. He couldn't believe what he had done. This was all caused by him and nothing he could say would reverse this.

Tears welling up in his eyes, his eyes locked with Logan's. The logical side mouthed to him the words, 'I forgive you.'

And that was all the moral side could ask for as he sank out, leaving the others to their moment.

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