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I sat at my desk doing all my homework while my roommate was out tonight with her boyfriend. as soon as my work is done I stripped off my little school uniform, looking around my room in my underwear as I looked around for my nightie humming my little tune.

"Uughhh!" Came from my window and I was a little confused what the noise was, maybe one of the girl's cats got loose again I dug around into my clothes looking for where the hell my nightie is "Uuuuuhhh..." I head again I was very confused as it sounded human I went to my window and pulled open my curtains and the second I did I saw Willoughby stood at my window but he instantly panicked and ducked down I was about to yell at him for sneaking over but then remembered...

I'm on the third floor!

"Willougby what the hell!" I yelled

"Uhhh..." He stuttered before he began making bird noises

"Will I saw you!" I yelled, "get in here!" 

"I uhhh... I'd rather not" he admits

"Will get your but in here else I'm cutting off your cock" I warn

"Okay" He sighed climbing in the window and sitting on my bed with a massive erection and his pants undone 

"What were you doing outside my window?" I asked 

"Uuuuhhhhh checking for... murders?" He suggested

"Liar!" I complained 

"Fine, I was peaking in your window okay! you look amazing when you're wandering around in your underwear" he complained "they stole my phone and my roommate keeps jizzing on the pages of our one playboy, okay I need something to look at when I'm jerking off okay" 

"You could have just said Will" I smiled sitting on his lap and giving him a kiss 

"Really?" he asks and I nodded ad he instantly wrapped his arms around me and kissed me deeply pulling me on top of him on my bed.

Willoughby Blake ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now