𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑶𝒏𝒆

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~ Ten Years Later ~

Opening her purple eyes, Yukako sent a sharp glare towards the alarm clock. Seemingly, as if she wanted the bedroom appliance to disappear from her sight; break apart.

She wanted to give into her violent tendencies and break the damn thing into a million pieces but, she couldn't afford to do so. She's already broken so many in the past.

"Yukako, it's time to get up! You have school today!"

Yukako rolled her eyes at her father's words and slowly got out of bed. Her waist-length, black hair fell over and around her face as she trudged towards her bedroom door. Opening the door and walking through, she made her way to the bathroom that was located down the dark hallway of her house. Reaching the bathroom, she brushed her teeth, stripped, and then got into the shower. The hot water burning her skin as a way to wake up.

Yukako was never much of a morning person; in fact, she practically hated waking up. The only part of her day that she was particularly excited about was seeing a boy named Koichi Hirose. She adored him; however, her feelings of excitement were quickly drowned out by a bitter feeling of having to deal with the sun.

It was strange to say but, Yukako did not like the sun. She knew that the sun was important and that it would be there every day when she woke up but, for 4 years she's had this bitter feeling towards it; maybe slight hatred. It wasn't because she kept her curtains closed all day long and liked the dark, no, it was more than that. She didn't like the warmth that she felt every time she was under its bright rays. The seemingly smug smile the sun wore whenever she was exposed to its heat.

Yukako sighed and turned off the water. Stepping out of the shower, she glances at the mirror. She takes a deep breath in an attempt to calm her nerves and settle her thoughts. Closing her eyes, she reminds herself that she's okay and that he will return, like he promised. She knew he wasn't one to break promises and always remembers them. Her sunflower will return, she knows it.

Opening her eyes again, Yukako dries off, wraps the towel around her body and heads towards her room. Entering her room, she closes the door behind her and gets ready for school.


After getting dressed, the female ravenette walks down the stairs towards the kitchen. Near the kitchen was the living room where she saw her father on the couch, watching TV. Turning his head, Kaito* gave his daughter a bright smile. Said smile quickly faded away when Yukako didn't even acknowledge his presence. Kaito sighed deeply and turned his head back towards the TV, attempting to forget the pain that welled up in his chest.

Yukako's relationship with her father wasn't always like this. There was a time when they played games with each other, had long conversations with one another, and even took naps together. All those precious moments shattered into pieces just because of one decision. Kaito never meant to break his little girl's heart but, deep down, in the pit of his soul, he knew what he did was right. He could've done more to prevent their separation; however, his mind knew that he didn't want to get involved any further with that woman.

What's done is done and he can't do anything to change the past.


In the kitchen, Yukako quickly made some toast and took it with her to the front door. She grabbed her school bag near the door and slowly raised her hand towards the doorknob. The ravenette suddenly stopped, her movements frozen in time as a feeling of dread overcame her whole being.

She was reluctant to go outside, for it meant that she would be under the warmth of the sun. However, she knew she had to go.

Kaito noticed his daughter's frozen state and reluctance to go outside. The male frowned, "Sweetheart, are you okay?"

Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Yukako opened the front door and replied to her father in a bitter tone, "I'm. Fine."

With that, the 16-year-old was gone.

In the living room, Kaito turned off the TV and buried his face into his hands.

"I'm so sorry Yukako. Please forgive me."


Yukako flinched as the sun's warmth seeped into her body. The heat felt nice against her pale skin but, it reminded her too much of the past and she hated it for that.

The ravenette stopped walking towards her school and looked down at her shoes. She felt ashamed.

She knew that she shouldn't blame her father for the events that occurred so many years ago but, it was a habit now. She picked it up during the 4 years without her sunflower; her warmth. The habit developed as a way for her to deal with pain; putting it on others. If not, she knew she would put it all on herself and, in the process, tear herself apart from the inside out.

Her thoughts were cut off after hearing a familiar voice.


Turning her head, Yukako spotted the figure running towards her; waving his hand in the air. For the first time in what seemed like forever, Yukako smiled.

Koichi stopped right in front of Yukako and smiled at her. A bright smile that could light up anyone's day, and that's exactly what Yukako needed.

"How are you doing Yuka?"

The dark-haired female smiled even harder when she heard her nickname.
'Yuka', it was a simple nickname but, nonetheless, Yukako enjoyed every time Koichi called her that. The silver-haired male was the only person who could call her that. If anyone else other than Koichi called her that, she would murder them (well... almost). After all, he was her boyfriend.

"I'm doing okay," Yukako replied as the couple started their walk to school again.

"Good, I'm glad," after saying that, Koichi took his girlfriend's hand in his.

The couple stayed like that. Happily walking to school and making light conversation. On the way, they bumped into Josuke and Okuyasu. The pair of boys joined the couple in their walk to school and cracked jokes along the way; much to Yukako's annoyance.

Even though the female's expression showed her annoyance, deep down she knew that she didn't mind their company. She was, slowly but surely, getting used to the pair of idiots. They distracted her from her inner struggle.

Yukako looked up towards the sky, tightening her hand around Koichi's. The shorter male didn't seem to notice as he conversed with his best friends. The ravenette smiled.

She noticed that, for a moment, she didn't flinch under the sun's warmth.


Kaito* -  I just came up with a random name  for Yukako's dad because her family doesn't exist, apparently

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