𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆

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The school week passed by slowly for Yukako. She was felt as though lead was tied to her ankles and she had no clue why. Well, she had some ideas but, she didn't dwell on them too hard. The girl knew that if she did, it would only add more weight.

Every day, the ravenette's father tried his absolute best to get his daughter's attention. He wasn't one to crave attention and he didn't want to seem that way either. He just wanted to care for his only daughter, like any good father would. And, Yukako knew that better than anyone but... she just, she wouldn't do it. She wouldn't let herself fall into the pit of despair she unknowingly hung herself over.

Yukako didn't even know who the transfer student was and, yet, the announcement of him starting Monday startled her.


Today was Saturday and Yukako felt good. It was the best she has felt all week. She was going on a date with Koichi today and she couldn't be happier.

After putting on a navy-blue blouse, black leggings, and black Converse, Yukako headed downstairs to the kitchen. Entering the kitchen, she noticed a plate of pancakes already on the dining table and her father doing the dishes.

Hearing his daughter enter the kitchen, Kaito turned, gave Yukako a quick smile, and promptly went back to doing the dishes. Kaito knew how much Yukako disliked it when he interacted with her. And maybe he shouldn't have written her that note but, it was worth a try.

Yukako's expressionless face didn't change one bit as she made her way to the spot at the table where the steaming plate of pancakes was. She assumed that the plate was for her since her father wasn't eating so, she sat down. But, before she could start eating, she noticed a folded piece of paper peeking out from under her plate. She picked it up and began reading.


To be honest, I don't even know if you will read this and you might even yell at me by the end of it but, I don't mind so much. You are taking the time to read a note from your old man makes me the happiest person alive. It's pathetic, I know that but, I just can't help it.

Anyway, I overheard that you were going on a date today. I'm not trying to be nosy or anything. I respect your privacy but, when I heard how happy you sounded, I couldn't help myself. I wanted to know what made my daughter so happy. The happiest I've heard her in 4 years. I know you haven't been the happiest with me and I don't blame you.

This plate of pancakes is for you. I wanted to start your day off on the right foot. I have no idea who you are going on a date with. I don't even know if it's a boy or girl but, whoever it is, I hope they make you happy. That's all I want you to be. Happy.

I love and adore you with all my heart. I'm always here for you sweetheart. Please remember that.

~ Love,

                Your old man'

Tears threatened to spill from Yukako's eyes. Her shoulders shook as she brought the note up to cover her tear-stained cheeks.

'I'm such an idiot. Why did it take me so long?'

The ravenette took a few deep breaths before folding the paper back up and stuffing it into her bra. She got up from her seat and walked over to her father, who was now drying the dishes. She stopped next to the male and got up on her tiptoes, planting a small kiss on his cheek. Not expecting the sudden action of affection, Kaito froze, almost dropping the plate he was holding.

And with that, Yukako was out the door.

Placing down the plate he was still holding, Kaito swiftly turned around and stared wide-eyed at the front door. After a while, Kaito's body relaxed and his lips curved into a smile. The man turned to finish drying and putting away the dishes but, before he could, he spotted the untouched plate of pancakes and a small note. Kaito walked over to the note and read it.

'These are for you. I wanted to start your day off on the right foot.
~ Love,

                 Your daughter'

Kaito picked up the note and held it close to his heart, whispering, "I love you too."


Yukako doesn't know what Koichi has planned for their date but, to be frank, she couldn't care less. She just wanted to spend time with her boyfriend.

Yukako looked up at the sky, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. For once, the sun's warmth felt good on her pale skin. Her tears long gone due to the sun's rays.

It hurt to think of Elias but, for some reason, she had a good feeling the transfer student was the man himself. She knew that she couldn't get her hopes up but, she also knew that she should trust her gut. And the note she read this morning from her father gave her a boost of courage.

A sad smile formed on her lips, 'He deserves an apology for being so patient and dealing with my shit for 4 years.'

Upon hearing rapid footsteps coming towards her, Yukako opened her eyes and looked to where she heard the sound. She smiled

"Hi Koichi."

The addressed male stopped next to the female ravenette and smiled in reply to hearing the young girl's voice. Taking Yukako's hand, Koichi spoke, "Let's go!"

The two teenagers walked around town. Going to several different stores and shops (after eating some food). They made light conversation as they did so and the whole time, Koichi studied his beloved, noticing how happy she was. The ravenette was always happy when she was with the boy but, this time, it didn't seem as forced.

It was genuine happiness.

"Yuka, did something good happen?"

The ravenette seemed taken aback by the abrupt question, "Of course something good happened! I'm with the love of my life!"

Koichi blushed lightly and looked away, "N-no... I m-mean before this."

Yukako smiled, "I just decided to stop being so mopey and make this a great day, that's all!"

The silver-haired male knew that questioning his girlfriend further was pointless and would only upset her and he didn't want to ruin her mood. He loved seeing her so happy. So, he just nodded and pulled her into another jewelry store.

Unbeknownst to the couple, a few feet away was a black-haired male. He had his arms crossed as he leaned against the wall of a restaurant. His seemingly mismatched eyes observed the young couple as they walked into a jewelry store.

He pulled the hood of the black jacket he adorned further down his face, covering up the soft smile that formed upon his lips. He lightly snorted to himself, "You haven't changed one bit, gatita (kitten)."

And with that, he was gone.


This chapter is all over the place and I'm sorry about that.

𝑺𝒖𝒏𝒇𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓 《JJBA Fanfiction》Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя