Telling The Malfoy's

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Draco P.O.V

We were sitting in the dinning room eating lunch when our owl Nibbler flew in and dropped a letter in front of my father I had wondered what it was and who sent it when my father was done reading the letter he told us it was from Gringotts and they wanted to see us immediately. We had over to the Floo and Flooded to Gringotts when we got there we told the goblin at the desk that Grip Claw sent a letter to us saying he needed us the goblin told us to go right in.

Lucius P.O.V

We walked right into Grip Claws office and saw a young boy who had blonde hair and Bright silver eyes I couldn't help but think he looked exactly like me and Narcissa I felt a small sliver of hope in my heart that just maybe this boy could be my youngest child.

"Grip Claw who is this young man I hope were not interrupting" I said "No of course not Mr. Malfoy I called you here at his request" Grip Claw said.

Hadrian P.O.V

"Hello Mr. Malfoy I am Hadrian Malfoy your youngrst son I was placed with the potters and was Harry Potter and I was wondering If you still want you youngest son even though I was Harry Potter" I said "Of course we still want you Hadrian our family hasen't been the same since you were taking we searched for you with help from Tom but were unable to locate you." Lucius said.

" Thank you Grip Claw for all of your help and returning our son to us" Narcissa Said "But of course Mrs. Malfoy" Grip Claw said "While honey lets go to Diagon Ally and get you some new clothes and a new wand I have a feeling that one is no good for you anymore" My mom said

"Okay" I replied.

At Diagon Ally

We were on our way to madam Minkins when we were bumped into by Ronald Weasley and his sister Ginny.

"Watch where your going Malfoy" Ron said "Who's the slut another death eater" Ginny Said "you watch were your going you filthy blood traitors" I said "How about you come home with us babe instead of these death eaters " Ginny Said "I'm good staying with my family and I'm gay so fuck off slut." I said "Hadrian Draco come along we must get to madam Minkins to get your brothers clothes." Lucius said.

At Madam Minkins

We were looking through clothes when I saw the prettiest dress ever I walked over to it "Is that somthing your interested in honey" Narcissa asked "What no of course not" I said unsure of how they would feel if i dressed like I was a girl. "Hadrian it's natrual for you to want to wear a dress as a submissive it's how most submissives feel" Lucius said "Oh well then yes this is somthing I want" I said. we got me more dresses and other things for me to wear around and to bed.

At Malfoy Manor

Mom and Dad said that tomorrow I would be meeting the dark lord and that they want me on my best behavior I hope when were at the meeting nobody will try and kill because I used to be Harry Potter. "Winky can you take Hadrian to his room next to Draco's and then give him the house tour." Dad said. "Yes of course master come little master"Winky Said "Please call of me Hadrian" I said "Of course Hadrian.". "Oh Hadrian before you go we are having lunch with the dark lord tomorrow so make sure you get good night sleep honey"Mom said.
Later that night
I can't believe the dark lord is coming for lunch tomorrow I can't help but feel giddy I have no idea why I feel this way oh well I guess I'll find out tomarrow. I turn my light off and pull the covers over my body and drift off to sleep.
I woke up in a bed that wasn't mine I climbed out of the bed feeling a bit more heavy than usual I look down to see a pregnant belly what I'm pregnant. "Mommy come on quick daddy says we have to get ready before grandma and grandpa get here" A little girl with brown curls and silver eyes "While we best be going then shouldn't we" I said picking her up and waking to the kitchen "hello dear your finally up" A man said I couldn't see his face it was like a blur. Before I could speak to him I was awoken by something being knocked over in my room I saw Draco "Dray what are you doing in here" I asked rubbing my eyes "I can't sleep can I lay in bed with you" he asked "sure come on in" I asked pulling up the covers. He crawled in and cuddled close to me "night dray" I said wrapping my arms around him "Night Had" he said cuddling closer to me a few minutes later we were soon drifting off to sleep.

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