Dumblwhore's wrath

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Dumbledore P.O.V

How in the hell did that little brat mange to get resorted into Slytherin as long as he doesn't know who he truly is all will go according to plan how the hell did he even manage to get resorted into Slytherin even though I made sure he was going to be in Griffndor.

Harry P.O.V
As I was sitting in the great hall eating my breakfast Ron and Hermione came over to the Slytherin table.

" Hey Harry listen we just want to tell you we're sorry about the way we acted yesterday when you got resorted into Slytherin we shouldn't of acted like that and we were wondering if you wanted to come eat breakfast with us." Hermione said "Sorry guys I can't me and Draco and Pansy were planning on studying for our classes" I said not even the least bit sorry . "Aw come on mate we haven't even had classes yet" Ron said " Look guys I know classes haven't started yet but I just wanted to be ahead in my classes this year" I explained to them

"Well it's really good that you decided to finally to start paying attention and focusing on your school work instead of going off and getting into trouble with Ronald" Hermione said grabbing Ron's hand and heading back to their table.

As soon as they left all i could think about was torturing them until they begged me to stop and were spilling all of Dumbledore's secrets to me. but unfortunately I can't do that yet until we capture them during the final battle where I know we will be winning and we can finally get rid of Dumbledore and his messed up views.

During Potions Class

"Today you will be brewing Liquid Luck the directions are on the board" Snape said his robes billowing behind him me and Draco immediately started on getting our ingredients for the potion.

"Ok so you cut the ingredients and I will make the Potion" Draco Said

20 Minutes later

I was finally done with cutting all of are ingredients now I was helping Draco with the brewing when we were just about to take the potion off the burner when a piece of parchment appeared on Professor Snape's desk as soon as it showed up and he saw who it was from he started to quickly when he finished reading it he called me and Draco over to his desk. "It's from your father meet me in my office" He said to us quietly we immediately started walking to his office once we were in their he told us what the letter was about.

"Their was an attack from the order at Malfoy manor and while it happened your mother was the only one home and she was hurt very badly and is in critical condition in the private medical wing in Malfoy Manor" Snape said.

Before I knew what was happening Draco suddenly had his Veela wings out scaring me causing me to let go of my glamour of my cat side. As soon as He saw how he had scared me he calmed down and apologized to me Snape told us he was going to take us to see our parents as soon as he told us we grabbed onto his arms knowing we were ready he apparated us straight from his office and to our home.

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