The Broken Friendship

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Twilight's POV-
-reader discretion is advised-

I was devastated, I know I promised Sunset that our friendship would stay the same, but there is no way I can avoid the fact that she rejected me. I sat in my bedroom, room looked, lights out, only a window opened. It was dim and dewy because it had just rained. The light on the sun reflected on something, 'what was that' I thought. I walked towards it, it was a knife. I took a look at my wrist, would it make me feel better? I grabbed the knife and cut myself. The blood was my stress pouring out, I felt a little better...

I cleaned up the blood, threw on a simple sweatshirt and sweatpants. I continued to walk to school, there I met my friends. We went inside, then to our classes. It was a normal day, I only had only class with Sunset, and we didn't even sit next to each other so it was fine.

When school got out, I quickly rushed to get back home, "Twilight! Twilight wait!" Sunset yelled, I continued to walk, maybe even faster than I did before. Sunset quickly caught me, she grabbed my arm bring my sleeve down, "Twilight.." she said looking at my arm. I pulled my sleeve back up, "Why did you stop me?" I asked.

"Because, I- um, like you too.." she said in a uneasy voice.

"But a few days ago, you told me you liked someone else.."

"I was scared to admit it I guess..", She then came closer and pulled me into a hug. "Promise me, promise me you'll stop cutting."

"Ok.. I promise!" joy filled through my body, Sunset liked me back! But, something felt wrong, but didn't let it bother me.

"Ok the, bye Twilight!"

"Bye, Sunset!" I said as I walked away.

When I got home, I took a quick shower, ate dinner, then went to sleep. As I laid in bed all I could think about is how Sunset's voice sounded when she told me she liked me. She sounded so uneasy, like she didn't even want to say that she liked me.. then I thought about the day I told her I liked her. She said she liked someone else, who could that be? I guess only time will reveal it, I thought to myself as I drifted to sleep.

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