1 Clove

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     Hi, so I'm pretty nervous writing this book/whatever. I've never really done this before, all my little unfinished novels are never shown to anyone but myself, and occasionally my family. Please no hate comments, only love :) Hope you enjoy! 



 This was it, the moment I've been waiting for my entire life. My arms were trembling, I was scared. But I couldn't show it, I mean, I've been training for this my entire life.  I was going to volunteer as a tribute for the Hunger Games. 

  My alarm clock sings the most ugly tune in Panem, It's 7 O'clock, I go downstairs to eat breakfast. Mother is cooking eggs over the stove, I see pancakes on the table and I lick my lips in delight.  "Clove! Good morning to you my dear! Your reaping dress is on my bed, oh I can't wait for you to go out there and win Clove! You, my daughter, a victor of the Hunger Games!", Mum exclaims enthusiastically. My brother Greg glanced at me, "Are you sure about this Clover?", he asks. I nod my head cautiously, I was beginning to have cold feet. I sit down at the dinner table, eating my pancakes - and soon my eggs slowly. "Where's Dad?", I ask. 

 "Oh, he's just buying you a new ribbon to tie in your hair! When you go up on stage, you'll want to look your best!", says Mum cheerfully.

 I carry my plate to the sink and place it down. "I'm going to change into my reaping dress.", I say.  I see my mother nod, and I go up stairs. My reaping dress was beautiful, with white silk and faint pink lace, it was stunning. I carefully put the delicate dress on, buy the time I was finished dressing, my father came in and gave me a baby pink ribbon. "Clove, you look darling. Like a princess!", said Dad proudly. I blushed bright red and weaved the ribbon into a two braids, wrapped them around my head and secured them with bobby pins. 

 I went down-stairs to present myself to my parents and Greg. Mother started gushing over me and Greg just gave me a big bear hug. My father took a photo with the new camera mother gave him for his birthday. Gong! I hear the reaping bell, It was time. 


Hey I hope you enjoyed this, I'll update soon. Please vote, tell someone about this. I've already got ideas for after this series! 

                                Peace out. 

The Hunger Games, A Story of Truth and Twists.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora