Part 3 - Clove

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Hi! So it's only been a couple of days, and there's already five views! I'm really happy and excited, ahem... Okay, so here's Part 3.... 


   Wait, oh my freaking god. What in Panem did you just do Clove?!?! I think as walk up the stairs onto the stage. "Well, here is our female tribute for the 74th Hunger Games, Clove Kentwell!", says Atlantia enthusiastically. I could see Greg standing in the 18 year old group, probably praying that he wouldn't be chosen and that I don't die. "So now it's time for our male tribute!", sings Atlantia. She walks over to the glass bowl on her right for the boys. She digs into the bowl, as if it was the tastiest dish in the world, and picks a slip and walks back to the microphone.

 "So the male tribute for the 74th Hunger Games is....... Mason McGreggor!" 

 I scan the crowd, and I see a 17 year old boy walking out of the crowd probably thinking, I'm going to crush this little girl. But before he can even step out of the group and blond boy,  approximately 25 centimetres taller than me yells, "I volunteer as male tribute! My name is Cato Hadley, and I volunteer as male tribute!". Oh sh--- sheep.                                                                                         Cato is like the neutral guy. He isn't the school bully, or the school nerd. He is like, in the middle. He is also exceedingly annoying, but great at throwing spears and chopping dummies heads off. Cato walks up the stairs onto the stage. Atlantia seems annoyed to be interrupted two times in a row, but then she shakes it off, oh I-I shake off, I shake it oooofffff!!! Sorry. 

 "Okayyyy, so here is our male tribute for the 74th Hunger Games, Cato Hadley!", declares Atlantia, probably trying to gather all the remaining bits of enthusiasm her body can make. 

As usual, we shake hands after a enormous round of applause. Cato's hand is firm, I can feel dry skin most likely from training. Then the Peacekeepers escort us to the waiting room. 


So I know I write small chapters, but there will be lots! Flooding with ideas!

                                          Peace Out :)

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