Day Four: Going on a Run Together

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((Bakugou's Point of View))

Kirishima's only been with us for four days but I would die for him. If it was between my life and his happiness... Adios. 

It was 3 in the morning and I had waken up to find Shoto. This didn't shock me. That thing that shocked me was his scars and bruises. He had them all over his body. Purple bruises, red bruises, cuts, ragged scars... Who would do this to a fucking prince? He was sitting on my counter, re-wrapping his own bandages. Also, he was in his boxers. But whatever. He probably doesn't need help with the bandages. 

I turned to leave when I heard the 'shing' of a knife and the sound of liquid dripping. I closed my eyes and silently prayed he didn't. I turned around slowly and he was cutting himself. Tears spilled out his eyes and blood dripped from his wrist. I silently gagged at the sight. He raised the knife again but this time I ran over, grabbed the knife and threw it into the wall. Shoto was trembling all over.

"We can't save you if you kill yourself Half 'n' Half" I moved slowly so I wouldn't scare him. I grabbed his wrist and inspected the damage. It was a deep cut and it would never completely go away.

"I'm sorry Bakugou. It just helps." Shoto shrugged and wiped away his tears, leaving blood on his cheeks.

"...I'm not good at this comforting shit." I wrapped his wrists in bandages and tied them tight.

"Why are they so tight?"

"So you won't take them off." I sat on the counter next to him. "What's going on? Talk to me and I swear I'll listen."

Shoto was quiet. He seemed to be fighting a battle with himself. Finally he spoke. "I'm just a tool for my selfish father. He wants to be better than Almight and he knows he'll never achieve that goal. So, he forced himself on my mother and... my siblings and I were born. Touya was his insurance plan and I am his tool."

"Was. You were his tool. That bitch isn't laying another hand on you if we have anything to do with it." 

"What do you call your group?"

"Well... The others call the group the Bakusquad. I personally hate that name but nobody else gives a crap."

"I bet you're a good leader. Your team is known for it's power and how successful it's missions are."

"Yeah but you have to give credit to the others. Without Sero, we would've been caught many times. Without Shinsou, we would have lost every battle. He turns the strongest men on their army. Without Kaminari's ability to take out hundreds of soldiers with one powerful shock we would've lost from sheer numbers. Kirishima is able to rain fire on all their faces with only a one hour limit before he tires out. Mina takes out a lot of people with sheer force and her acid. She's also the reason we can made a clean getaway, her acid can turn into a smoke screen when Kirishima's fire hits it. Honestly, I think I might be the weakest link. My explosions take out soldiers, but I can't use it for 10 minutes straight or I'll overheat." I admitted. Shoto put his hand on my shoulder.

"The reason they can use their powers well is because if a leader knows what to do, they fall into their roles making the strongest team possible. Since we'll be running from the League and my kingdom, I'd like to help take down soldiers."

"Can you fight? Are you a mutant?"

"I have ice on one side and fire on the other. I am able to use both at the same time. The only person I haven't been able to take down is my father."

I hopped off the counter. "C'mon pretty boy. We're going to see how powerful you are."

Shoto followed me to a part of the woods were nobody goes because Shinsou usually scares the life out of people. Literally. Many have died when they see Shinsou patrolling because he wears the clothes of an assassin and orders their heart to stop. Nobody dares to go here. Shoto looked a little nervous.

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