Chapter 1

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Once upon a time there was a little girl called Jeanelle who dreamt of becoming a warrior just like her father and defend the kingdom from their enemies, but fate was not so kind. She was left orphan at the age of seven and any hopes she had of becoming a warrior where now gone just like her parents.

Years have pass and Jeanelle turn into a beautiful woman. She works as a maid in the king's palace but every night she still practised with a sword never forgetting her dream.

- Jeanelle get back to work!- the governess yelled

- Yes mam- I replied starting to wash the floor again

- How many times do I have to tell you to stop day dreaming and actually do your work!?

- It won't happen again. - I assured her and she walk away.

It's been like this all week, everybody stressing around trying to make everything perfect for the arrival of the prince. I've never met him, I don't even know how he looks like. He has been living in Europe since he was a child, learning from the best tutors and professors so he can one day take the throne.

Hi guys! Hope you're liking so far, I know it 's still nothing special but this is just the beggining. I promise it will get better. This is the first story I have written so far on wattpad so be kind to me and please don't forget to comment and vote. This is not edited and I'm sorry for any gramatical mistake.

I'll update soon :)

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