Chapter 5 - Prince Eric

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  • Dedicated to Joana Franco

        I was leaning against a tree in the place where I told her I would be. Her...I can´t stop thinking about her ever since last night. Her beautiful eyes follow me everywhere, the memory of her smile made my heart start beating so fast as if she was right here in front of me doing just that...if only that was true. I had to see her again, at least  I had to know her name. I don´t know if she heard my announcement this afternoon, I only prayed that she did.

        I was so deep in my thoughts that it took me a while to notice her presence. She was a couple of trees away on the opposite side of where I stand. I immediatly stand up straight

        - You came - I told her relived

        - Yes. I wasn´t sure if I should came.

        - But you did...that must mean something, does it not?

        She look at me and said nothing. Gently I started to approach her

        - Why don´t you drop your hood? I´ve already seen your face.

        She did nothing as I aproach her, she just look at me and the way she did that is as if she could look right through me. I stood close to her now just  bare inches separate the two of us, gently so I didn´t startle her I took off her hood and now I could see her beautiful face perfectly. She was as beautiful as I remember, I caress her chick with my thumb feeling the softness of her skin and the warm of her body.

        - Will you at least tell me your name? - I asked her

        - Some secrets are better kept hidden. - She replied

        - Why would you keep you´re name a secret? Why be so mysterious?

        She smiled and said:

        - Some secrets are better kept hidden.

        - Then how should I call you?

        - Why call me at all?

        - Ever since last night you have been the only thought on my mind. Your smile, your eyes, your voice... you´re my first thought when I wake up and the last when I fall asleep.        

        - You shouldn´t say such things... - she whispered - In the end of the day you are  Prince Eric, heir to the throne and I´m just a nobody.

        - wasn´t a nobody that stood up to those rebels yesterday and save my life.

        - You´re welcome by the way

         I laugh and take her hand

        - I was going to get to that you just bit me to it. - tenderly I kiss her hand- Thank you for coming to my rescue milady.

        She blushes with my act and gives me a a shy smile

        - Will you not tell me you´re name? - I insist once more

        After a little bit of hesitation she whispers:

        - name is Jeanelle.

        - Jeanelle...- I repit testing the sound of her name on my lips - A beautiful name for a beautiful woman.

        - I must go now - she sudently says leting go of my hold on her hand - Goodbye

        - Wait! - I yell after her - Will we meet again?

        She turns around giving me that smile of hers that could light up the sky

        - Meet me tomorrow near the river, come alone and don´t tell anyone of our meeting.

        - Until then. Goodnight.

        She turns her back to me and goes away, disappearing into the darknest of the woods, leaving no trail behind only the sweet scent of her fragance. I smile victorious, Jeanelle..., I finally knew her name. This woman was proving to be my biggest challenge so far, one that I didn´t intend on losing.

        So...what did you think of their meeting? Did you like it? I can only hope so.



        A new chapter will be coming up soon :)




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