Chapter 2 - Jeanelle

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        I arrive home late at night after spending all day cleaning the palace and arranging everything for the prince. Even though it was late I still manage to find time to practise with my sword. I change my clothes to my usual training outfit which consisted on a pair of pants, a shirt and a vest, typicall man outfits that allowed me to move better and therefor fight better.

        As I was practising I hear the sound of horses and people , making me interrupt my training and seek hiding. A carriage passes by among with several riders when suddently rebels appear from behind the trees and attacks them. They were in  minority, several riders had fallen only a few were left standing. Seeing as they needed my help I step out of my hidding spot, not before putting a hood on my face so I could stay anonymous, and face the battlefield.

         I strike the first rebel I see taking him by surprise which gave me the leverage to put an end to his life without so much breaking a sweat. Others came for me when they saw what I did but still I fight them of, but I knew that for this to end I had to find their leader. I took a look around trying to find someone that is watching from a far not exacly participating in the fight but still being apart of it.

        -There- I say, the man was looking at everything that was happening with a smile on his face as if he was enjoying what he was seeing. I make my way to him killing anyone who steps in front of me, by the corner of my eye I see somebody else fighing the rebels but I look away and pay attencion to my target. He is tall and from what I can tell vicious against others.

         As soon as I caught up with him he took out his sword and jump at me trying to take me down, altough is impatience  is going to be is downfall. I take a look at him trying to find his weak spots and I find several of them especialy one, he was supporting all his weight on his right leg and stunbling once in a while even though its was almost hard to see. We circle each other as I waited for the right moment to attack, suddently we heard someone scream and my opponer made the mistake to look away from me. I took that opportunity had jump on him. He never stood a chance. With a few strikes he was down on the floor, dead next to his companions.

        What happen next was my mistake, I was so distracted looking at my opponer´s dead body that I didn´t notice someone approaching me from behind. But before I had the chance to pick up my sword and defend myself someone appear in front of me, blocking the blow and killing the rebel. But with the straight of his blow, my savior lost his balance and fall on top of me.

        We were looking each other in the eye and I couldn´t help but think he had the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. They were deep blue like the ocean and they show surprise as he look at me probably just realizing that I was a woman even tough the only thing he could see were my brown eyes. I push him of me and got up, but as I did so my hood fell of making my dark brown curls fell down my back. He got up aswell and I took the opportunity to see how handsome he was.

        He was tall, with a well built body, his blond hair reach his shoulders and he had a small beard around his chin. He was breathtaking, until I notice the emblem on his clothes, the royal symbol. Which means he can only be the prince everyone is expecting. He is Prince Eric.


        Hello everyone! So what do you think? Are you liking it? Please don´t forget to vote and comment, it would mean the world to me.

        I will update as soon as I can :)



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