Chapter 10 - Jeanelle

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        Nickolaus is a growing so fast, I can't believe he is already 5 years old and for every year that passes by he is getting more similar to his father. I am leaning against a wall as I see my son play in garden. It was in times like this that I remember how fortunate I was to have him, although that was not my first reaction when I first find out I was pregnant. I was so scared, I knew if the king find out about my pregnancy we would have me killed or worse take my son away from me. For precaution I left the kingdom for a while returning only when Nickolaus had been born.

        He was my little treasure. The only thing I had left from his father. So many times I had wanted to tell Eric about our baby boy but the possibility of endangering my son's life by doing so kept me from doing it. So I raise him by myself, it was hard sometimes but with hard moments come also the good ones. And those were worth fighting for.

        Today was a very hard day for me. It was the day of the royal wedding between Prince Eric and Princess Charlotte. I wonder if he thinks of me as much as I think of him. I still regretted the way things ended between us, all because of his father and the kingdom but the worst part was having to lie to him and telling him I didn't love him anymore even though that was far from the truth.

        It was around midday when I hear the sound of a horse closing in on my house, I immediately send Nickolaus to his room and hide. I pick up a dagger I always keep close and hide it in my pocket turning my back to the intruder  as I did so, so he wouldn't see it.

        I know exactly when the horse stopped and the intruder approach me, I take a deep breath and as soon he is close enough I turn around and attack him. He manages to escape my attack but he doesn't go far. I take a proper look at the intruder and see that he his wearing a wood that is conceiving his identity from me, although the way he moves is kind of familiar to me. He takes a step forward but I stop him from coming any closer.

        - Who are you? - I ask him - What do you want from me?

        - I only ask for your love. - he says

        And that voice I recognize that voice, but it can't be. He is supposed to get married today. He shouldn't be here.

        - Eric? - I asked with a little hope

        He takes off his hood so I could see clearly who he was. It was him! I couldn't believe it! I put down the dagger and just look at him in shock.

        - Can you ever forgive me Jeanelle? - he asked

        His question confuse me

        - Why would I have to forgive you?

        - I only found out the truth today. Can you forgive for not coming for you sooner? For letting you go?

        I was still trying to process everything that he was saying, he thinks it is fault?

        - It's not your fault Eric, you didn't know. There is nothing to forgive.

        He was closer now, like he couldn't stand to be far away from me.

        - You're not supposed to be here Eric. Your wedding...

        - I cancel the wedding. - he informed me

        -What!? But you're father...

        - I don't care about my father. I resigned the throne once I found out the truth. I only want you. There hasn't been a day where I haven't though of you. I guess the biggest question is do you still want me?

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