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It had been a full day since Mondo beat my ass in the sauna. 

What was I expecting though, right? Perfect Mondo. Better at making lunch then me.

No, seriously. He challenged me to that one time. 

God. Just once, I wish I was better at something. 

My neck ached as I twisted over on my bed. The clock was clearly in view, mocking my thoughts, challenging me.

2:12 am. 

Could Mondo really be the reason I lay awake in bed? Questioning my every thought like I was nothing, deraveling my brain, searching.

For what?

I let out a long troublesome moan, gripping a pillow and thrusting it over my face, almost stopping the sound. 

Besides my willingness to go to sleep, the room was dead silent. No shower water dripping, no creaky bed, just thoughts.


The bed yelled as I tried a new position, tossing my arms over my head. 

I surrendered. Sighing, My hands ran through my hair, and my feet found the floor as I stood. 

Morning was out of my grasp. I frowned, and carefully walked out of my room into the still hallway. 

Maybe some water will help. I agreed with my thought, stumbling over to the dining hall. 

Up ahead, as the entrance grew near, so did my urge to eat.

Screw it. Shaking my head, I entered. 

Sitting at a table, head in his hands, was Mondo. 

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