The tunnel

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I will use a random name for this story

Kitaek was coming back from his business trip, but he got lost because he wasn't used to the directions.

There was a tunnel in the place he was, and he heard that many people died when it fell down once, although it was rebuilt sturdily, people didn't visit there at all, because they knew about the accidents.

Because kitaek didn't know, he was through the tunnel for the shortcut, while he was passing the tunnel, suddenly the lights in the tunnel started to blink.

He was worried so he decided to go quickly, but the car turned off, when kitaek was about to turn on the car, The lights in the tunnel turned off.

It was completely dark and silent when,

He heard someone knocking on the window ( like this video up there) so kitaek became scared and closed his eyes, but suddenly the Car turned on and lights turned on as well.

So he quickly came out of the tunnel, when he came out, and looked at his car there was handprints all over the car,

So he quickly came out of the tunnel, when he came out, and looked at his car there was handprints all over the car,

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(Something like that 👆🏻)

Because kitaek was a scared, he went to a car wash next day, when he got there, he explained what happened to him, and told the car washer to wash the prints off.

So the people got to work to wash them off, but the worker said.....

" The handprints aren't from outside it's from the inside!"

The end.
Story from pentagon's Hongseok.
All the three stories that I wrote are Not owned by me.

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