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(Takes place during the beginning of season 5)

                   I sat in my tent, staring at the floor. I was constantly feeling like I wasn't doing enough to help the rebellion ever since I broke the sword. What can Adora do? It was always She-Ra who was the hero. I picked up the handle of the broken sword, running my fingers down it, feeling the sharp edges of where it shattered. Glimmer was gone, Horde Prime has basically taken over, there's no more She-Ra, everyone's been down, Catra's nowhere to be seen, the Horde is winning, I mean, how are we supposed to win this one? Questions circled around in my head, and I sighed. I was constantly throwing myself into battle, not sleeping, and—owww!! I had accidentally cut myself while playing with the sword. I smeared the blood off my finger and got a bandaid.
                Perfuma entered my tent, handing me a cup of tea. She noticed how down I was and gave me some "calming" ideas.
"How about you get some sleep, and then you might feel better!" She said. I nodded my head, trying to cover up my upset face. She had gone around the tents, trying to cheer everyone up. Classic Perfuma. Bow came in soon after, and I had to pretend to be asleep, as I didn't want to talk to anyone. I thought about how we were supposed to get Glimmer back. Then it hit me.

(Go watch season 5, cuz I'm not gonna write down the whole plan bruh. LaZy.)

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