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JULIET WAS STRUGGLING. She had gotten through the first week of school fine and with only a few mishaps, like her encounter with Madame Pince and the constant appearance of the marauders wherever she went. However, that first week was over and she already found herself drowning in homework and suffocating from the weight of her OWLs that her teachers refused to let her ignore.

She figured they would've edged them into it, allowing the first month or so to be nice and calm with mainly revision or easy topics for lessons but she was wrong. By the second day she was already behind on two of her subjects and succumbing to a third, and it didn't seem like it'd get any easier from there onwards.

She tried to express this with her friends but Anna told her it was her own fault for procrastinating rather than studying like the rest of them while Jennifer and Rebecca nodded - one more harshly than the other due to a book-shaped bruise forming on her side - and, as much as Juliet wanted to argue with them, she couldn't. It was technically her fault but, in her defense, studying was boring and her tower of books was pretty tall so, in her opinion, it was a successful study session overall.

It's not like she purposefully procrastinated everything in life, she only did it with the subjects that she found difficult or boring which just so happened to be nearly all of them apart from Magical Creatures - she only struggled with the theory, or writing, of that one. Maybe if magic was easier to learn she wouldn't be so opposed to the thought of spending extra time on it and wouldn't complain about it all the time.

And it was due to this procrastination that Juliet found herself stood in front of nearly all of her professors at the end of their respective classes as they told her that if she didn't find someone to tutor her this year, she would inevitably fail.

She desperately wanted to recount this reocurring tale to one of her three friends but she was certain that all of them had returned to their common rooms, plus the fact that she really didn't want to go walking around the whole school to find them. With a sigh of fustration she entered her own common room, grumbling obscenities under her breath and dramatically falling into a seat by the window so she could sorrowfully look out into the rain.

What she didn't notice upon her arrival were four heads belonging to the four boys that seemed to constantly know where she was no matter what. They all turned to watch her as she huffly sat down and proceeded to stare into the outside world with a frown on her face, oblivious to the argument she was having with herself on who to pick for her tutor.

How would she even get them to agree? She couldn't pay them since she had about 10 knuts to her name and she was definitely not in the mood for exchanging any favours. She didn't even know who to pick! She couldn't think of a single person in all of her subjects that was good at every single one of them so that meant she'd had to get several different tutors for several different things. A groan left her and she allowed her head to fall onto the table in front of her, a smack resounded that caused the marauders to flinch. She let out another groan from the impact, cursing herself for being so stupid and not taking into account that it would've hurt. She just wanted to be dramatic.

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