Chapter 1

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Today is the day that I get to see my savior, Jacksepticeye. I'm not saying this to sound fangirly, I mean it. I have barely any emotions and deep scars from my childhood. I start thinking about my past, staring at a wall in the process. I snap out of my thoughts and grab random clothes from off the floor. I picked up black skinny jeans, a black sweater with a white skull and crossbones on the front, a white undershirt and my black Converse with silver 1 1/4 inch spikes on the Achilles tendons to the ball of my ankle that are actually sharpened because I don't want people brushing against my shoes. 

I get on socks and slip on my shoes after I get on everything else. I look in the mirror and sigh, not caring about make up, but thinking about brushing my hair. I quickly brush my hair and look in the mirror once again. I sigh and walk out of my room with my thoughts following, lingering.

I grab a smoothie from the fridge and close it, taking a sip of the sweetness of banana-strawberry, unlike my heart. I walk over to the door and grab my mini backpack from the hook on the wall and put on my leather jacket with a cross-zip style, and take my other backpack to the motorcycle. I put the backpack in the saddlebag and close it, buckling it for safe measures. I lock the door and hop on my bike, starting it and hearing it purr. I switch on my headlights, since it was 4 am-ish, and drive down to the airport, listening to the sweet sounds of crickets and smelling clovers. Well, that's Ireland for you.

I watched the sunrise as I drove towards it, the purples, pinks, oranges meaning nothing to me. I see the airport and slow for the speed bump. I practically fly over it as I pass it. Thank god I secured that backpack. I think as I park. I turn my cycle off and unbuckle the saddlebag top. I pull out the backpack and the small one below that, putting the small backpack on my back over the jacket, which was a little hard, but it worked. I walk up to the door and open it, only to be hit head on by someone. I fall on my back hard, the person falling on top of me. I realize it's a man, but like I said, I have barely any feelings. He gets up and holds out a hand for me to take. I grab his wrist and he looks confused. He then grabs my wrist and pulls me up.

I stand up and he starts running again. I take off my backpack and look inside of it, finding the Sam inside of a glass box untouched inside of its decorative wrapping and bow. It kind of looks like a Christmas present. I put my backpack back on my back and head inside, looking at the small bag check. I get in the line and wait for what seems an eternity, when finally it's my turn.

"Next," They call out, letting me come forward.

I get my backpack on the belt and put my small backpack in a tub along with my shoes, jewelry, etc. that might cause trouble. I get checked (out) when I do all of this and they say that I'm clear. I nod and start to put on all of my jewelry, which was a Gaelic demon repelling symbol, black ribbon choker and my mom's Gothic ring with a blue eye in between silver teeth.

I was about to walk away, when I felt someone grab my wrist. I turn to see the guard that checked me. He smirks and I try to get away.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Away, perv."

I turn away from him and bring the back of my shoe to his crotch. Remember, sharpened spikes. They impact and he falls to the ground, which I take and run to the plane that takes me to LA. They open when I get there and I run up to the ticket person. They take my ticket as I walk on board, bag in hand and emotionless face coming with me. 

I sit in my seat, which was the end seat next to a lady with a baby and an old man that rants. I get out my headphones and plug them into my Chromebook, setting it on the tray in front of me. The lady rocked the baby, but it started crying. My face stayed the same, but her's goes to fear. I sigh and close my Chromebook, knowing that I will not get any work done for Robin or Lixian. The lady taps my shoulder and I turn to her. She thrusts the baby in my arms and runs to the bathroom. I keep an emotionless face and the baby falls asleep.

The lady comes back looking like she's tripping balls and sits in her seat.

"Miss, I don't mean to ask something personal, but, are you high," the flight attendant asks.

 The lady turns her head and nods. They take her off the flight (since we were still on the ground) and arrest her for child endangerment and drug use. They take the sleeping baby from my grasp and I relax, not wanting that to happen any time soon. I open my Chromebook and put my headphones back on, turning to YouTube for music. I get 'Fake It' by Seether playing and I start to work.


The plane lands and I get up to get my stuff. Fortunately, nobody bumped into me when I did that. I grab my stuff and sling my small backpack on one of my shoulders while walking out, thinking about nothing and everything all at the same time, (references). I walk to the door and open it, but to be hit by another man. The man named Markiplier. I only know him from my friends telling me about him.

"Oh, sorry miss, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay. Are you, I have a lot of spikes on my shoes."

He looks down and there are scratches on his ankle. I have an emotionless face while I look at that, and he lifts my face up, only to see my emotionless face.

"Are you okay, you look, sad."

"I'm fine, I don't want to waste your time."

He lets go of my face and his face lights up. I decide to sneak out while he's not looking, so I did. I go to the rental car people and they give me the keys to the cycle. I thank them and go to my bike. I fish out my helmet from the saddlebag and strap it on, already sitting on the bike with one leg on the ground. 

I get my helmet on and bag in the saddlebag, strapped in for extra measures, and start it up, it purring from the flight it had to take. I take off and pass by the door, which had a raven haired Mark looking out of the window by Jack and Felix. I wave to him and both boys look at Mark like he's killed a seagull by the sea. I shift gears and stay emotionless through the whole thing.

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